Welcome To Vibe, Gorgeous! I am so excited to invite you to my new energy healing, mindset and business strategy program, which is all about empowering you to leave the past behind (where it belongs) and step into the most empowered version of your ideal self available to you right NOW.
Vibe will increase your online presence from place of ease and flow. So you can overcome resistance and procrastination and take action that grows your audience and brings in rivers of cash. You will be learning a powerful 5D Thinking Process, you can use for years to come (and even teach to your children one day!)
The old way of thinking is over and done with. It’s time to stop overworking yourself into overwhelm or freezing into resistance. You really CAN know the exact right moves to take. Call it Soul, Intuition, God or The Divine… You will over ride the fearful mind chatter and find your inner voice.
Over a 3 week intensive you are going to be guided step by step through money making moves that are direct from you Soul, guided by the Voice of Love within you so you can shine your Light and share your message with The World!
This work will help you break the rules that make you feel sick, stuck, agitated and exhausted - so you let go what no longer serves you, and instead you say yes to what uplifts and expands you - which is what actually works to increase your income, grow your biz, light up your audiance and your LIFE!
3 sessions over 3 weeks in a private FB group with me so you will have me as your coach in between, as well as the mastermind with other spiritual hearted leaders who have said yes to unleashing their own brilliant mind for creation too!
Here’s what we are covering, and why I KNOW you will Love it in Vibe:
Week 1 - Letting Your Old Self Go & Become Brand New Again
- Realizing you are who you say you are - you dont have to make up for anything or prove anything at all
- Discover who you are as your future self and begin to align to this ideal version of yourself
- Releasing clutter, possessions, clothes and style from your life that does not fit your future ideal self
- Get clear on your true desires from soul and release the ego sabotage traps that could get into the way
- Tap into the real reason you’ve been holding back and release it
- Inner child healing to reprogram your subconscious so you can feel safe to play and expand into your new successful self
- Create your morning routine that lifts you up and leaves you feeling The Vibe of your ideal future self!
- Creating your content from Soul, even when you don’t know what to say
Week 2 - Merging With Your Ideal Future Self Easily & In Flow
- Discover who you need to be to match up with your ideal future self and HOW you can become this person quickly
- Use forgiveness healing to release energy blockages that are literally draining your life force energy and could keep you stuck or slow for years
- Give yourself permission to be the leader, to stake your claim and become the person you know in your heart you’re meant to be
- Get extra clear on your vision and purpose in life, so you can set your mind like the GPS it really is.
- Update your idea of God and being guided by Soul, so you trust in a Loving Higher Power who never punishes and always guides you
- Tap into the one essential mindset and energy key every truly successful person uses to make their decisions that get results
- Check in with your morning routine to adjust or recommit with help from Kai (as with every step in this program)
- How to sell from your content in a way that magnetizes your audience
Week 3 - Making Cash From Soul, Guided By What Lights You Up & Makes You Shine
- Discover how to know the exact right steps that your future ideal self who already knew how to be successful would take
- Let go of the old rules of success and create your own rules, on your own terms that actually work for you to smash your success in biz and life!
- Develop your sensitivity to your emotional guidance system to deepen and expand your ability to know the exact next step to take and when
- Boost your sales and grow your audience through become LIT UP with great ideas
- Move through resistance keeping you stuck or slow so you can unleash your brilliance and share with your Right Soul People
- Release subconscious fear of judgement and fear of rejection so you can shine bright and have it be easy!
- Check in with your morning routine to adjust or recommit
- Q&A on profitable content creation to answer your specific needs and situations
PLUS 3 quick and potent implementation videos in week 3
(in the last week of Vibe)
To keep you on track, give you ideas, overcome resistance and know the next step to take so you can smash your launch and make loads of cash.
Vibe: Lessons From Your Successful Future Self, Downloaded To You, So You Become The Cash Rich Version of You, Speaking Your Truth NOW, Moving Forward Purposefully Every Day!
BONUS: All lives will be done on Zoom because I’ve got a FB ban from livestreaming for 90 days
By the end of this training you will have a clear roadmap to step into your future self, overcome resistance (so if you ever fall of track like most humans do, you can get right back up and bounce forward). You will see very real changes in your life that match up with your future self, and for those who DOOO the work, you will have influxes of cash, grow your audience, and establish yourself as an authority in your field.
More so, you will do it all in a way aligned with your best self, so your work expands you, rather than drains you. You will come up with new ideas, let go of fear, become brave so the fear thats left no longer has as much control over you. You will feel better, look better, sell better and Love your life more.
We will pack a lot into these 3 weeks. This 3 week Intensive will shake you up and pull you out of your own way, so you can energetically step up into who you’ve been trying to become but kept resisting. This is a perfect stepping stone on your journey of success, and I can’t wait to share this with you!
So How Much Is It, Kai?
Because I believe in this program so much, I am going to make it a crazy hell yeah offer you just can not say to.
Because I really don’t want you to miss out - I am going to woo you into saying yes, since with an offer like this it would be crazy to say no to.
Look - this is easily a $1000 program for the value I am giving…
For the results you will get and the person you will become.
But no… It’s not going to be a $1000;… It’s not even going to be $500..
I know this seems crazy…
but including the bonuses I’m about to lay out…
You can get in for an investment of only $199!
Crazy, right?!
I know, I know…
But that’s not all…
What’s Not All, Kai?
I am so excited to share this with you because I know how powerful this work is to completely shift and change your entire life!
That I am also inculding my Home Study Digital program, Become Your Future Self, which gives you a potent night time manifestation exercise to do that will call your dreams into reality fast - if and when of course, you doooo the work.
Next, and this is only for people in my private community…
The first 5 people who sign up, are getting a 1 to 1 private energy healing session with me!
Just because I love this work and I really want to share it. Also because I know for a fact that everyone in my community needs to do this program, so yes I am baiting you, in a really good way, to say yes to becoming your future self now, rather than waiting years to figure these things out….
So not only do you get the amazing 3 week intensive with step by step instructions to become your ideal future self, energy healings to reprogram your subconscious, a private facebook group with me as your coach, the mastermind with other participants in the group and the methods and ability to unleash your brilliance NOW rather than waiting and wondering…
You also get the Become Your Future Self Digital Program valued at $177…
The first 5 to sign up also get a private 1 to 1 Energy Activation and biz or life strategy session with me valued at $400…
I am also throwing in Successful Action Taker Info Program Valued at $99…
Which has a potent exercise I created and downloaded myself, which is amazing for giving you the exact steps you need to take and get you into that certainty vibe The Science of Getting Rich teaches is essential for success!
I am so excited to share this with you because I just know your life will never be the same again since we are changing you on a subconscious level…
We begin in less than 2 weeks
This is a quick launch, and spots will fill up…
So if you’re feeling The Vibe, jump in NOW to snag your spot…
Message me to see i you qualify for the top 5 - and if you miss it, don’t dismay, everything itself is still immense value for your investment, and will be life changing either way… But for sure the top 5 will naturally get better results because my private work is so darn magical and effective.
If this sounds great to you, click the button below and sign up now:
Do You Know You’re A VIP?
if you know you’re the type of person who is a VIP and you are serious about shifting your deeper stuff, expand faster, feel better, get better results…
Then make sure to choose the VIP upgrade once you’ve clicked YES…
The VIP upgrade is the way to go if it calls to you because you get THREE 1 to 1 sessions with me - 1 per week, which truly elevate your results.
My private work is unimaginable. It is powerful. You end the session of energy shifting wondering what the fuck just happened because you have never felt anything like the type of energy work I do. It is immensely healing, empowering, awakening, life-changing and will open you up to your brilliant mind in ways you didn’t even realize were possible
Plus you also get my journaling pages each day for the 3 weeks of Vibe!
So you can see how I work through resistance, download insights from The Divine and set my mind like the powerful GPS it is.
Who Isn’t This For?
This isn’t for you if you don’t want to change anything in your life.
This isn’t for you if you don’t want to learn how to trust yourself and would rather just follow what the gurus say
This isn’t for you if you just want money but dont care about making a difference in people’s lives
This isn’t for you if you don’t care about creating anything of value, whether its for yourself or others.
Who IS This For, Kai?
This IS for you if you crave to share your knowledge and what you’ve learned, even though you aren’t perfect and may be secretly worried you aren’t enough, or scared that if you shine too bright people will judge or reject you - if this is you then this program was MADE for you
This is for you if you want to be rich and grow your wealth BUT you know you can not do it at the expense of what feels right for you, and if you want to grow your business and income through doing good things in the world, just like money is meant to be about…
If this is you then this program was MADE for you because this is all about accessing your inner truth, creating, giving value and being paid well and frequently by people who LOVE you
This is for you if you are ready for life change. Maybe other programs haven’t worked, Maybe you think you shouldnt invest in another, but you don’t want things to stay the same, so you also know enough to trust your instincts and say yes to what is calling you…
Or perhaps you’ve had wonderful results with other programs and are ready for your next level NOW - then this is for you too!
Why I Am SO Passionate About Vibe & Empowering YOU In Your Biz & Life…
The reason I am so passionate about running this program, is because I remember when I used to think there were all these rules I had to follow that didn’t feel right for me. Since I learned how to create my own rules life and business got so much easier and I want that for you too!
I remember when I felt so scared of being judged. I really worried about sharing my true message.
I worried people wouldn’t like me because I was too much and have had such a wild crazy life… The processes I am sharing with you are the exact same ones that released the trauma that kept me stuck holding myself back and worrid what to say (which we all have more than people realize).
Vibe is all about connecting you to your true self, so you let go of fear of speaking your truth, and let go of the people who will judge you for it.
We will be reprogramming your subconscious, resetting your nervous system with unique, effective and proven to work life-changing processes that will give you the courage and confidence to share what is really on your heart, so you become magnetic to your ideal Soul Client.
I just love teaching this work.
This is my favorite thing to do. Especially because I can’t wait to hear YOUR success story!
As you implement these methods you will have so many AHA and Light bulb moments that could change the entire trajectory of your life, make baby steps easier, and give you confidence in yourself like never before…
And although 3 weeks is clearly just one step on the long path of your healing and success journey - it will be a massive one, lit up in the darkness, guiding you and empowering you to move forward even when you don’t feel like it.
So if you are nodding your head and saying yes so far…
Then I would love to invite you to join me in Vibe:
Because it really is going to be amazing!
Click the button to join below.
Sign up.
Then you will be redirected to choose if you would like to sign up for VIP…
Follow your heart and choose it if you get a yes, otherwise Gold Standard Vibe will be amazing too.
I am so excited to see you in there,