3 Big Mistakes Everyone Does Wrong When Healing Themselves (And Others) - Plus What To Do Instead!

Ebook To Learn How To Heal Yourself & Others On The Highest Levels!

Discover the 3 Big Blunders everyone does wrong when healing themselves (and others)

💎 Even the most experienced healers either make these mistakes and/or can improve in these areas - we all can!

💎 How to properly feel and transmute negative emotion - you don’t ‘release’ it, or fix it. It isn’t broken - it works perfectly for how its meant to. Learn how to transmute it effectively so you integrate your shadow and become strong

💎 How to forgive correctly - you don”t just say the words I forgive. Everyone is missing a key step. But I don’t. This is the most important thing for your healing, growth, happiness and health of your mind, body AND Spirit.

💎 Healing the fast food mentality when it comes to healing. Learn the correct set of thoughts and attitudes to have around your healing practice - likely you’re already committed to your healing journey - yet when the same old things come up to heal after years you may get frustrated. Learn why this is actually a great sign.

💎 Turn your negative experiences into positive lessons that lift you up and carry you forward!

Even if you already have a positive I can do attitude - we all have deep fear in our uncsoncious mind that holds us back from fully trusting in life. My healers ebook will raise you up so you can play in the unknown and walk forward in FAITH and not through fear.

PLUS you will learn important aspects to healing physical chronic illness, improve your mental health and fortify your business ability, emotional and relationship harmony and your capacity to Love, to be clear and to be connected to your infinite Divine God-Led Nature.

Who is Kai Clifford?

Hi, my name is Kai Clifford. For those of you new here, I am a gifted healer - forged through the bowels of Hell and school of hard knocks. Of course, I have extensive training through my teacher Sonya Sophia, over many hours in her healing retreat workshops - a highly immersive and transforming experience that transforms pain in all areas.

I was born into a hard life, full of difficulties that gave me a lot of trauma.

This led to chronic illness, severe chronic anxiety, depression, at times suicidal thoughts, a theme of reckless actions from low self worth and mental illness. But I always forged by own path. Resistant to authority I flunked out of school in year 10 - something I’m actually happy about because I didn’t get programmed into the mainstream society.

I’ve always been on the outside, seeing how everyone is trying to fit into a sick society, calling themselves broken for not being able to be monotonous robots with some precious schedule given to them by this traumatizing society… So while I had my own set of traumas and problems, I have also been a truthseer and seeker of truth.

Over the last 2 decades since I started my quest for inner happiness and World truth, I have gone through many ups and downs - including a chronic lung disease that almost killed me - which I healed naturally through the type of energy work I now share with thousands of clients and followers all over The World.

While my gathered following isn’t so great, its due to my own personal fear of my calling. I’ve grown email lists and deleted them. Grown my business and following, but let it crumble over the years - all the while helping many over the world. I’ve been more of a secret weapon, rather than a public figure…

But now I am ready to get my work out into The World - into the hands of amazing people like yourself. You want more in this life - but you want more for everyone, not just yourself! I am here to help you bring through your calling and Divine Mission while also creating a beautiful and harmonious life you Love.

So if you’d like to help more people, get my free ebook, and make sure to follow me on social media, like my videos that you love, and share the ones that really resonate with you.

I am so excited to share this with you - so please dive in now and let’s get this Divine Party Started!

With Love,