Spiritual Success Healing with Kai Clifford: Success In All Areas Through Shadow Work, Divine Guidance & Nervous System Regulation

The Spiritual Truth Lives Within Your Soul - But You Must PURIFY To Bring It Out So You Live In Alignment with Life’s Laws Naturally:

You are strong and pure of heart when you turn to the truth within you, which is the Lord - The Spiritual Law, You know deep inside what is good and what is not, although it may be tarried with filth, by the tarnished tabernacles of your heart. Meaning, you know the truth deep inside, but your perceptions of the world, through your thoughts, beliefs, experiences, and traumas through your upbringings in this life, other lifetimes, in this realm and in others - it makes you think that life is not good.

You experience people to be bad, so you think the entire World and Universe is bad - but ths is just your World view. Grown from your child’s mind, where you thought that everything and everyone in the Wolrd was exactly as you experienced it - but it is NOT! There is so much truth goodness in beauty in The World - in fact, that is all there is, The rest is the absence of good. 

The absence of God. Like turning on light in a darkened room - where did the dark go? Nowhere. It doesnt exist. Like heat and cold, the cold is the absence of heat. Just as evil is the absence of God. And all good is of God. So know and trust that anywhere you see good in your life, you are living in alignment with God.

This is the bridge - your higher self is the bridge between you the human, and the you that is made from God - using God’s own power and creative force.

God is you completely - yet you are not God completely.

Your mission, whether you choose to accept it or not, is to purify your soul substance - so the distorted beliefs that see and perpetuate evil can be seen, felt, understood and then overcome.

Just turning away from the hatred within you does not diisqualify it, You still have hatred within you, The more you turn away from the rotten parts of your soul that hate and blame - the more you experience hatred and blame coming towards you. This is the gift of God because all evil burns itself out. It can not replicate infinitely, for it eventually shows itself to be lacking. Evil eats itself untll it rises up out of the ashes and rebirths into the Light. This is a very real and alchemical process we are all going through on a continual basis

All negativity that happens in your life is used by your Higher Self for your own good. 

The God Force within you is so strong, that every misguided belief and message within you, is used to show you the truth. This is why when you feel defensive, you get attacked. Then you feel sorry for yourself, which does not good - but it is what is - and you blame others for attacking you. But did you not attack them iin your thoughts before you even met them?

Have you not at one time or another cursed all people as bad, rotten or stupid? Have you not expected people to be mean to you, or to dislike you before you go to a gathering? Well this is YOU projecting your hate into the World and having it be reflected back to you… You get what you give. Your thoughts forge the path forge the path before you. They are not just a narration of what you’re seeing. They create the reality you see.

So next time you feel sorry for yourself, probably some time today if you’re really honest with yourself. Seek with self compassion to see where and how you forged this expectation in the minds of others. How did you contribute to this conversation before you ever arrived?

Have you been practicing negative conversations in your head? 

Stop it.

You can and you must.

Repeat after me: I will now stop all negative conversations in my head mid sentence and strike them down to hell! No more negative future pacing - I am done being the unconscious designer of hatred, blaming the other for my own imagined conversations.

Repeat: I now choose with all my power and in the mighty name of Jesus (or if you prefer the spirit of Living Love) to only practice beautiful conversations. I now decree I am a sovereign being who gets to choose what happens to me. I accept I have to go through my karmic consequences, but karma can be forgiven and cancelled. I seek to know how. Guide me God and show me the way. So it is, thank you, Amen,

As you lean into the truth that you are the creator of your reality - it can be hurtful at first. Because the idea of blame is so tortuous we must cast it upon another…

Yet, what if blame was just an impartial look of cause and effect? Deconstructing the events in your own life that led up to said calamity. What Spritual Laws violate? Learn them! Yes they live within your soul. They are uncovered as you transmute and purify your negativity into Love and Light…. So you live them naturally - but you MUST also be learning them from outside sources so that you know that they’re a thing! 

You must know they exist so you can stretch before them before you can ever hope to embody them. Fail and fail again, this you must. You must trust that the journey is long and hard but that it gets easier when you accept that its not some quick fix thing that can be done in 12 weeks. How about 12 life times if you’re lucky?! If you do well and learn your lessons..

But you can get so much accomplished in one lifetime when you know how to purify your soul substance like I teach. Like i’ve done myself for myself and countless others into the thousands. Purifying soul substance is like breathing air for me. I do it on a daily basis - moment to moment. And this is why I am the teacher to follow for a lifetime. Sure, come in, go out… But come back. Always return to my work and my teachings. For those of you here who are truly are committed to creating heaven within your own Universe (which lives win your interdeminsional body, which is a portal through space and time)  you will do my work more often than not. 

Use my practices. Test them. Binge on them! Soak yourself into them. I certainly am not perfect but even over the years of my teaching through my insecurities and my deep messiness, I’ ve had a supremely pure truth come through me that has all been hard earned through experience, going through literal hell realms and pulling myself up out of the ashes over and over again.

So if you want a picture of perfection - well you need this work more then most - but my teachings are about embracing your messy authentic self - because this is where you get to know yourself - and only by knowing all of yourself can you find yourself and be reborn, over and over again.

I am Kai  Clifford, your spiritual guide and energy alchemist.

I am here to help those who have a deep urge to purify their soul. To help the world and do good for others. If you know that you have come so far, yet have so far to go and you are willing to learn how to embrace yourself even in the messy parts you wish to hide even from yourself, let alone the world - let me help you to help yourself. Follow me. Reach my words. Listen deeply. Do my programs when you can. Work with me 1 to 1 when you are truly ready for the most incredible transformation of a life time. It is hard work - but just like going to the gym, you’ve gotta build that muscle.

It becomes easy to transform once you get past the first year or two of consistent and sincere self search and inner work. Not a straight line. Not even continual growth in the way people think of it - because its more like a mountain range. Up and down. But with each down - with each contraction - with each ebb and flow of the ocean wave that is your life - you learn, you grow, you purify  your soul substance and this is ETERNAL growth that yes helps you dramatically in this life - but you take it with you into the otherworld. We change YOUR SOUL on the deepest, highest, most beautiful and purest levels. 

If this calls to you, then I’d love you to ask me for an invite to join my Spiritual Honey Club - free or by donation. You could choose to tithe to me as your Spiritual Teacher, or come for free, its up to you. This is God’s gift to you, through me. 

Twice a month we meet live on Zoom calls where I guide the group through a potent energy alchemy journey. Comment or DM me SPIRITUAL HONEY CLUB to get started. Feel free to tell me why you want the invite to join us. 

This is for those who feel called to help others somehow. Whether you are already making 6 figures, or at the start wondering how and when and why - the defining link is that you are CALLED. And when you turn away from your calling to the tv, to scrolling, to mindless sex or whatever your addiction of the day may be you burn…

This burning is your desire calling you back to your calling. So if you want to clear, uplevel, reprogram, connect with God and become more conscious, ‘lucky’ and full of faith, perseverance and joy - then join us in The Spiritual Honey Club and binge on my content and teachings. Send me a message if you’d like an invite. We meet today. And then again next month.

Message me on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok

or email me at Kai@SpiritualSuccessJourney.com

Kai Clifford Energy Alchemist

Uplevel Your LIFE!

Clients Who Love Kai’s Unique Emotional Healing, The Heart and Soul Freedom Technique


Annikken Healed FIVE YEAR Chronic Fatigue


AND Excruciating Back Pain PLUS MORE!

In the beginning I wasnt quite ready to commit to the tapping for real, but I did a video every now and then, and Kai also helped me alot with awesome support during conversations in messengers. Even then I got results, and could tell that this is actually working, so why the hell I was resistant to really do the work, beats me ?!?


Thankfully I got to try one of her Energy-increasing videos late last year, and the video was only available for a limited time - so I decided to do the 30 minutes work every day just to see what could happen! My motivation was I have been struggling with fatigue due to trauma, for the last 5 years - and my low energy was the main reason I could not work 100%.

Most of my weeks I got exhausted just by taking a shower, cooking dinner AND put on a machine of clothes on the same day - and on days I had work, I often ended up sitting in my couch all afternoon stirring at the wall - almost unable to move a muscle, because I felt too tired. My dinners often was a shake, because I couldnt stand the idea of standing upright for that long it took me to prepare cooking!


I was FED UP with having days like that. Of course I had good days too, like 2 out of 7 was good maybe 🤷‍♀️ 


So I did the tapping, and GUESS what people!!!


After 10 days my fatigue was GONE! COMPLETELY GONE! And it havent even come back, like I worried it would.


Can you imagine the mind-blown feeling, having a 5 year long fatigue just vanish into thin air, “just like that” ?!? I still feel amazed at this new energetic life I live 😍😍👏


YES, I still get tired like NORMAL people do, and I still loose my energy when my thoughts are running old patterns, being negative - and that popular “styggen på ryggen” wants to bring me down. When I have a long day at work, I sometimes feel like resting. But all this is the NORMAL side of being a human. We ALL feel tired from time to time. It is such a different feeling, being tired VS having fatigue. AND also, fatigue is way more than “just being tired”.


You know that air-head people get the day after drinking? Like, you cannot seem to have braincells working to figure out a simple math, or how to press the TV on. Your mind is simply not working! Thats been my brain almost 24/7 for the last 5 years, and my memory been bat shit crazy, having to ask my boss simple questions 40 times before remembering what he says, like I were a granny pushing 70 instead of the young early 30’s I actually am!


I felt horrible, miserable, frustrated and stuck. I felt like I had lost myself completely. The Annikken I once knew, wasnt there anymore, and it made me scared!


Getting Kai in my life, and her EFT-videos, her supportive conversations, and everything she shares from her passion to heal the world - has literally saved my life. No doubt about it!


I am so so so grateful and beyond, for everything you have done for me, Kai Ashley


Thank you for being a Queen in my life, thank you for being BOLD enough to be your weird silly self, encouraging ME to also not give a fuck what other people think of me - and for the wisdom you inprint in me, that I am good enough just as I am!


You have NO idea how many times I hear your voice in my head, and then I know - “No matter what I am going through right now, it will get better. It will work out. Kai guarantees it, and I trust her with my life”.


Thank you Kai - You deserve the whole world, and the whole world deserves YOU 😇🥰




I did Kai’s tapping for back-pain tapping.


I had to do it multiple times on different “trauma”, because it turned out to be a lot of things trapped inside there. Many of them I wasnt even aware of, but they came up after doing some guessing and trying.


And only a few days after doing it for maybe 8-12 times, its GONE!


It used to be a scale 9 or 10 out of a 1-10, painwise. Now it can sometimes pop up as a 3 or 4, and I do the tap as soon as possible and it goes down to a zero, where not even the hardest painkillers used to take my pain away before.


It also goes many days without even a touch of pain, and I NOW recognize that the pain reoccurs whenever I stress and worry 😳🙄 Which probably sounds silly, how can a SLIPPED DISC, a PHYSICAL illness, be connected to emotional stuff, right?


Well, EFT and Kai have taught me that EVERYTHING has an emotional backtrap behind it, and everything can be healed 💞


I want to share THIS video in particular because I know so many people with pain in their bodies, and if you who reads this right now are experiencing shoulderpain, neckpain, backpain or whatever…


And you are wondering if this could work for you.. I highly recommend you to try it! What have you got to loose, right??


I have tapped for my shoulder pain, I got chronic Inflammations in both my arms and shoulders, that I recently started tapping on. Its working already 😍 Been there since 2007 …….. So more than 10 years, now healing and feeling better than I ever have before 🧡👏


We are quick to brag about shampoos that fixes dry hair, or creams that removes pimples etc. So I want to share this freaking awesome healer, and her work - because she is one of the most authentic, honest, trustworthy, real, powerful and loving human being I have ever met - and her healing ability is so magical and gives dramatic mind-blown changes into peoples lives, that it’s actually shameful to say I havent shared this sooner!!!!!


Everybody needs a Kai in their life, go ahead and borrow mine 🥰🥰🥰


💕 I love you from the bottom of my ass. I would say heart, but my ass is bigger 😁


A serendipitous by-product of this fascinating therapy.

I was doing the Vibrant Success work initially for my anxiety which has now dissolved completely, I am more confident now than I ever could have imagined possible. I will continue to tap forever as it has brought about so many unexpected twists, turns and miracles in my life. It would seem that it doesn’t matter what your issue is, tapping seems to be the answer!

I stopped dieting, quit smoking and then reached my long standing 9 stone goal by simply loving myself.

Over the last few years I had a weight goal of 9 stone. I tried various different diets and exercise regimes but never quite reached my goal. I was usually tired and hungry and always disappointed each time I tried and failed. I’ve never been particularly big but I wasn’t content with my figure and put pressure on myself by believing I wouldn’t be OK until I’d lost those pounds!


Last year I spent a fortune on shakes and plans and yes I got some results but it was very hard work and I still didn’t reach my goal and trying to maintain the progress I had made was not easy. I was also a smoker but feared if I quit I’d gain even more weight, so it was an excuse to keep smoking and anyone who has ever been a nicotine addict knows every smoker needs an excuse.


I started working with Kai Ashley as I had heard about her amazing results with overcoming anxiety, it was then everything began to change.

I always believed I was fairly happy with myself and thought I loved myself but it slowly became apparent that I really didn’t. Not only did I not fully accept every aspect of my personality and current circumstances but neither did I value my body. I began to notice how I was putting myself down when I looked in the mirror, how I was depriving myself of delicious food and poisoning myself with cigarettes.


The more EFT tapping I did the more I truly started to love myself and the shape and size of my figure no longer mattered to me. I stopped dieting and if I didn’t feel like exercising, I didn’t! I started to eat all the wonderful things I deserved and quit smoking as I respected myself too much to carry on and guess what? It wasn’t hell like I expected!?!

By finally being kind, loving and compassionate towards myself and changing my whole attitude through the tapping, I have brought about physical changes as well as psychological ones!  By finally learning how to accept what was and allowing it to just be, I’d unknowingly brought about what I’d wanted all along.


When I started this EFT work my figure was the last thing on my mind but the intention I had set long before was obviously still active and it became an unexpected by-product of the tapping work!


I was working with Kai initially for my anxiety which has now dissolved completely, I am more confident now than I ever could have imagined possible. I will continue to tap forever as it has brought about so many unexpected twists, turns and miracles in my life.

It would seem that it doesn’t matter what your issue is, tapping seems to be the answer! Now I am finally who I want to be, I look the way I want to look and my life is unfolding exactly how I wish!  The best thing about tapping is after you’ve been doing it for a while you couldn’t care less about looking strange while you’re tapping anyway, because it brings about a new level of confidence!

Vicky H