You did it again…
Didn’t you?
You went all in and committed to your dream…
Or at least you thought you did…
And what happened?
Well, I don’t have to tell you…
Do I?
Because deep down you’re still feeling the sting…
Of another failure…
Another let down…
Another time you sabotaged…
And STOPPED doing the work AGAIN….
And even if you’re great at being positive…
If you’re really honest…
It’s disappointing…
And just plain frustrating!
Don’t you hate it when you try to make important changes…
To manifest a dream you truly want…
Or to become healthier…
But what happened?
Come on…
Be honest…
I bet you’re generally a very positive person…
Am I right?
I imagine you also have this burning desire to make the world a better place…
Whether it’s to show up for your loved ones and support them fiercely….
Or to help the World on a massive scale…
Or somewhere in between…
So why do you keep sabotaging?
Why do you feel STUCK…?
Why do you do so great for a few months, weeks or maybe years…
And then fall back down that rabbit hole…
Or back into a black abyss…
Wouldn’t life be BETTER if you could just stop falling back…
Or if your anxiety…
Your fear…
Your crippling self-doubt…
What if that just disappeared?
Wouldn’t life be different?
Would you be able to show up as a positive force for good more often…
If you didn’t feel cranky, moody, triggered, scared, tired…
Or whatever it is for you…
Really though…
If you could just FEEL BETTER more of the time…
Like A LOT better…
Don’t you think you would DO BETTER?
Be happier, and more of a support…
To the people you love and want to help?
If this sounds like you…
Then I invite you to take seriously…
Because this program will powerfully…
Change your reality…
For real…
By the time you read this page…
(and make sure you read every word)…
You will feel a great sense of purpose…
And a knowing…
That THIS is an answer for you…
That THIS is the key to creating MORE of…
What you want than ever before…!
As you read these words….
You will feel more empowered…
More able…
You will notice this feeling of anticipation…
Could this really be IT?
For so many years I struggled with deep issues…
Heavy emotions…
Chronic social anxiety that made me abrasive….
That drove me to drink and drug in order to be social…
I suffered so much of my life…
From the trauma of my childhood…
The bullying…
The abuse…
The not fitting in…
Being the weird one…
Being ‘too sensitive’….
Not having any friends…
Being embarrassed all of the time…
And the terrible patterns of loss and loneliness kept repeating…
Sicknesses and chronic illnesses (yes i’ve had and healed THREE!)
So I KNOW what it’s like to feel like there is no hope.
But there is.
This is it.
This worked for me…
In an extremely powerful way…
That has empowered me…
And changed me as a person to this day…
In a lasting, positive way…
And that’s why I made this program…
For me…
For you..
For those of us who want more in life…
But have suffered…
Get cranky…
Get shy…
Or overly loud and mess things up…
I made this because I was in so much pain for so many years…
And THE THING that helped me…
Was hours and hours…
And hours of this work…
I’m not gonna lie…
Human beings are EFFED UP!!!
It does take actual healing to change your story…
That’s why this EFT program…
Is so fantastic for changing your life…
EFT Tapping…
Is a powerful process…
When done the right way….!
One or two sessions will help…
And you might see some really cool things happen!
But lasting change…
Like the amazing life revolution I went through…
Just as many of my clients have too…!
Takes dedication…
Using the right techniques…
In the right way….
So if you aren’t willing to sacrifice some hours of time NOW…
For a happier, joyful, energized AND successful life later…
Then click away…
Shut down this page…
And don’t come back…
Until you are ready to step up for yourself…
Are you ready to stand up for yourself…?
To say…
“I will NOT put up with this any more…”
“I WILL find a way to change this…”
How about this…
Imagine if you could go all in…
Spending time to heal and grow…
EFT Tapping is scientifically proven…
To change your thinking…
Release chronic anxiety…
Overcome anxiety….
Scientific studies have even shown…
That EFT literally changes how your blood flows…
It is powerful stuff….
For some EFT hasn’t worked…
But this EFT Tapping will work for you…
And don’t worry if you don’t now what EFT is…
(EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques…)
Or if you’ve tried it before with little results…
THIS EFT Tapping will work for you…
Because it uses a powerful combination….
That releases negative emotion…
10 times MORE than any other method…
Yes, it is THAT effective…!
Imagine how your life would change….
If you let go of the fear…
So when you had a great idea…
You went for it..
Instead of holding back…
Being disappointed with yourself..
Maybe even blaming the world..
Or the weather, or whatever…!
Imagine being fearless AND BRAVE…
How would your life change then…?
Would your life be better…
If you were compelled to take action…
If you had great ideas…
If you knew exactly what you wanted…
If you could finally forgive yourself…
How would your life be better then…?
Would you have more life force…
So you could focus on what’s important…?
Would you be less tired, with MORE energy…
You will have more time…
Because you won’t be sabotaging…
You won’t be avoiding..
You won’t be cranky and snappy at people you love…
You will be ALIGNED with your truth…
Free to create more of what you want…
More of the time…!
So I invite you to step up for your future…
Stand up for the version of you…
That wants to live a better life…
Have you been asking for this…?
If you are nodding your head yes…
If you are feeling that NOW is the time to transform your life…
If you are savvy enough to know…
That you need help and support…
That we all do…
And you are ready to change your freaking life for REAL this time..
Then join us in…
This powerful home study program…
It will give you deep, powerful shifts…
You will FEEL IT
You will KNOW something big has changed…
You will SEE positive, new and amazing things happen…!
By completing this program…
You will go through a transformation…
It is that powerful!
And my way (Kai’s way!) is unique…
More powerful than most…
And I say that not to brag..
But as a fact…
I’ve had hundreds of clients tell me…
That this is the most powerful work they ever done…
So, check this out:
You can get access now…
by clicking the button below…
Or scroll down to read more…
And click the other button down the page…
It’s up to you…
Or you can click away…
And keep going around in circles…
Because negative energy usually sticks around….
It’s up to you…
In all seriousness…
This is one of those little decisions…
That really can and WILL affect the rest of your life…
Whether you say YES or no…
Your life is going to go in a different direction either way…
And if you don’t make a decision now…
If you’re thinking about it…
Then forgetting it…
It’s also a decision…
One that will lead your life in one direction…
The same direction you’ve been headed in….
But by saying yes…
Signing up…
Doing ALL of The 17 Days of Deep Healing…
Will LITERALLY, and truly…
Change your life forever.
I promise..
It worked for me…
And it’s worked for SO MANY of my clients…
And it WILL work for you too…
So I’d love to invite you to change your life with us…!
Sound good?
Then click the button below and lets get you started today.
And say YES to living life on your terms…
In your way…
Without sabotaging, avoiding, or panicking…
So you can be free…
Once you click the button below…
You will be taken to the order page…
Place your order…
And congratulate yourself…
For committing to YOU…
And for making the world a better place…
Because it all starts with YOU….
You get to decide your reality…
You get to change your life…
But to change something…
You actually have to CHANGE SOMETHING FIRST…
So congratulations sweetheart…
Can you feel that this is something special…?
Yes 🙂
Click the button below and join us today:
I started working with Kai Ashley a mere two weeks ago and I have already had some HUGE shifts/feelings regarding Money, My Business and Life! I have never done EFT like this before, it has been nothing short of AMAZING!!
Kai, thank you! I have really shifted my reality! You are a hell of a badass healer!… Thank you for everything you did for me, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
I’ve got my dream job, while building my biz! Hell, I have even connected to a Mastermind too!

This is for you if are ready to unlock your potential!
Please read every word of my heartfelt story below
Let me tell you WHY I made this program…
This program was borne out of a great need to share a very special technique…
That has completely changed my life in so, so, so many ways…
To say it helped me is an understatement.
It saved my life from a chronic lung disease that almost killed me. I had walking pneumonia, I couldn’t breathe and the day I was about to relent and go to the hospital because I was ragged and passing out, could hardly walk, was gasping a death rattle breath…
I was fortunate enough to be led through this amazing process by a fellow classmate of mine (in this same method I’m sharing with you)… Over 4 hours it went from this icky, physical SICKNESS in my lungs…
And it turned into energy, I could literally FEEL the toxicity turn into energy and start moving and releasing.
I used to get sick every year for MONTHS on end with this lung issue….
That last year I was sick with bronchitis and then pneumonia for EIGHT MONTHS….
But after that night, it was transformed.
That was back in 2011… I havent had any problems with my lungs since.
Think about how amazing that really is…
This really is a MIRACULOUS TECHNIQUE!!!
And even though to get a result like the story above, 1:1 is probably the best bet…
I have had MANY clients get phenomenal healings through this recorded work, from asthma being released, to back pain being healed…
All your stress, anxiety, physical issues and obstacles seemingly out of your control are ALL from your energy body, and will get in the way of your success.
And a lot of people think they don’t… But we all do.
And my passion AND great genius lies in helping you get unstuck…
So you can get exactly what you want in the way you want!
I used to have social anxiety, PTSD so I was reactive, angry, sensitive and sometimes mean.
I was scared of being seen, scared of being judged, scared of success, scared of failure… And I hid it all through drugs and alcohol and a strong bravado over top… But it was chaos for me.
After prioritizing this work.. I upleveled my attitude, my life, and was able to make money from my true passions. And I know it was only possible in such a short period of time because of this work!
I made this program because I had a great urge to share this powerful, profound, special work that is the most amazing thing for change and transformation I have EVER come across!!!
And its not just me - I constantly hear, over and over, this exact sentence:
“This is the most powerful work I have ever tried”
I’ve helped thousands of clients, fans and followers get lifetime transformation.
From my heart to yours, this is my gift to The World, and truly valuable and priceless indeed.
So read through, and notice if you are getting A YES…
If you are… Then you gotta follow that energy.
Click the button at the bottom and jump and join us now.
I would love to show you whats REALLY possible for you when you get into this real deal Deep Healing EFT work that saved my life in so many ways, and it will for you too.
How would your life change if you truly felt Free?!
Does This Resonate With You?
Likely you are here because you want to live a really amazing life and are NOT willing to settle like so many others have before you…
You have your own business, or you want to…
And you are just so sick of going up and down in your results.
Sometimes your on top, and other times it feels like it’s taking FOREVER!
One thing is for sure, you know that what you want IS possible, and you are determined to get it.
Hell, you even demand it! But how?
You spend so much time trying to make things work…
You have this underlying anxiety that lies there under the surface…
Maybe it is a knot or a sinking feeling in your heart when you think of what you want…
Or perhaps you get belly aches or headaches, or some sort of painful ache that keeps coming back!
And you think it’s unrelated… But guess what sweetheart - it is TOTALLY CONNECTED!
Or maybe you lock yourself away sometimes, worried about what people will think…
Worried what strangers will think - will they judge you?
Worried what your spouse will think… All this worry!
Now don’t get me wrong - I KNOW you’re a positive person…
You believe in the power of a positive attitude…
You love to work on your passions, or dream about them at least…
And you are making progress…
Except you wish it was easier and made more sense.
Whatever is happening for you…
There IS a persistent fear or doubt under the surface…
And being so positive, you’ve gotten good at ignoring it, or working through it…
But if it’s there, then it’s creating in the background…
MIS-creating what you don’t want.
Rather than being scared of the darkness (your negative feelings)
Learn how to look it in the face and with the magic of this work…
Very literally - you turn it into LIGHT (positivity, confidence, motivation, inspiration, ACTION!)
Wouldn’t that be better?
Can you imagine just HOW MUCH things will change when you have the driving force of your positive emotions at your back, supporting you, cheering kind words in the back of your mind, instead of nasty quips that speak of your defeat?
You deserve this darling…
To be loved by yourself… Encouraged and supported!
To attract opportunities that weren’t there before…
Well they WERE but you can’t see them right now!
As soon as you clear up the emotional baggage you probably THINK you don’t have…
(but on this Earth so far, we ALL DO!)
Everything will start flowing.
Tough decisions will be easier.
Big life changes will feel natural and not so scary…
And you WILL move in the right direction.
I’ve seen it thousands of times.
I’m a living testament to it -and so are my clients!
And this is why I’m compelled to create this content.
When you download this online digital program, you will get access to an amazing super series that absolutely BLEW PEOPLE AWAY…
It was so high energy and people went from stuck to high energy, drab to absolutely fab, and confused to immense clarity…
And money, clients, joy, opportunities AND health ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS follow these states of being. It’s just how it is!
It Is Impossible NOT To Get Results!
What Makes This Program SO Special?
’17 Days Of Deep Healing’ is so powerful because it uses Deep EFT Tapping ‘Kai’s way’. (Affectionately called this by dozens of Kai’s long term clients and followers).
Not only do you reprogram your thinking, but you release a life time of negative energy, trauma and completely demolish limiting beliefs that have been holding you back since you were a child!
Even if EFT hasn’t worked for you before, this WILL. Combined with Emotional Alchemy Breathwork and Healing Visualization, it is impossible not to get a result when you follow along!

I made a sale one hour after our call, Kai!
I’ve already talked about this woman Kai Ashley who inspires MANY MANY people and is definitely one of the best healers in The World. NO JOKE. She makes you go diving deep to walk through a lo of emotional processes so YOU ARE changing your life.
And as you know I am the lucky one who won the only free spot in her program Crack The Coaching Code - Feeling very blessed everyday.
If YOU have the desires to become a coach or do you have another goal to serve your clients but you have blocks and need to change that… She offers some amazing programs AND ON TOP OF THAT! You will meet many people Worldwide to share your process with. IT’S SO MUCH FUN!
GO GO GO!! IF I deserve to live life to the fullest, so do you!
I have to say, since doing the live healing in this program my digestive issues that I thought were down to lactose intolerance have almost completely gone. I’m amazed. I knew my issues were causing physical manifestations - but not to this degree!
Kai-Queen of Healing Badassery-Ashley:
This is my personal thank you note!
Your EFT session is a VERY SUPERCHARGED MEGA TURBO tool for healing money blocks.
I was poor and living like hell. I was doing a shitload of online healing work - and yours seems to be the best!
Now I’m P-R-O-S-P-E-R-O-U-S!
Thank you for being there for me.
You believed in me.
I’ve did it.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
What’s so good about EFT and all this tapping, then?
The Emotional Freedom Technique (when done well) has been scientifically proven to significantly increase positive emotions, such as hope and enjoyment, and decreased negative emotional states like anger and shame.
There are immense benefits in using this energy psychology for anxiety, depression, weight loss, PTSD, phobias, athletic performance, cravings, pain, and more.
Dr Mercola’s website describes review published in the American Psychological Association’s journal found that EFT “consistently demonstrated strong effect sizes and other positive statistical results that far exceed chance after relatively few treatment sessions”
I have just had the most liberating healing session EVER. I feel light, abundant and free. My anxiety barely registers, the panic attacks I had almost daily have evaporated. The ball of panic and fear that used to sit in my stomach no longer exists. The 10 years of emotional trauma are now a memory, part of my past.
I’ve worked with Kai Ashley several times over the last years and each time my life is TRANSFORMED! She is such a gifted healer and I am proud to call her a friend too.
Whatever you have going on in your life, Kai can help… There’s a reason I keep going back to Kai’s stuff - THIS SH*T WORKS! And of all the EFT I have used, what takes other healers HOURS, Kai gives stronger, lasting results in half time.
Want results fast, drop her a message (say Jenny sent you - she’ll know!) Don’t be scared - step into your dreams today!
Kai is really good at specifically locating the points of pain, looking at them and not trying to change them or fix them [which makes the issue stuck]. She is really good at shining the light on it and literally and physically shining the light into your body, then the blocks gradually dissolve. I’ve got a lot more money.
I now have $3000 just chillin’, which I don’t need to spend on anything. It’s funny cos I don’t really know where it’s coming from [it felt so natural] – I’m working a lot more, I am doing awesome things with women that I love and am totally inspired by. I’m doing graphic design and I’m doing coaching and writing and I’m getting 40,000 views on things I write… And I redid my website and I’m really happy!
The biggest thing is that I used to be tortured. It showed up in my life. I would stress about getting paid more but now I am letting it happen and I am getting paid more! It’s like this faith that I have, whereas before there was panic. It’s an actual bodily reaction.
Like, I’ve done so much stuff with my mind, I can see one of the reasons it worked really well, me coming into The Vibrant Success Club because I could see a lot of where I was scared and where I pulled back, but I had no idea what to do with it. Kai worked really well showing those things love, which I could not do. I just wished it would get out of me!
I didn’t want to have a panic attacks at a store check out and I wouldn’t have been able to have this conversation now But I can have these kind of conversations with my bosses and with my clients now and can feel good – so yeah. I highly recommend working with her.
I can actually put a price on my services and stand behind my price without the shame! That’s the number 1 thing. There is no shame in receiving money!
I am very excited to see even more breakthroughs, I’ve already had so many and I know I will have many more as I continue to work with Kai. I am so happy and grateful for meeting you, Kai. It is a true blessing and I would say a miracle because I was looking for this stuff for a long long time.
I’m feeling A WHOLE LOT MORE VIBRANT! And a whole lot more successful since joining!
The ways in which I feel more vibrant and successful are: I’m attracting all these amazing work opportunities that I just didn’t know even existed before I started doing this work with Kai. And I found this calling with my work, which had been a problem for me for years – and I had been stuck figuring out what I was going to do with my life – or at least my work life.
I was stuck with that for years. Now it feels like it is all shifting into place. I feel more aligned with my true essence and my true purpose. I also operate a few businesses. Doing this work with Kai has helped me to discuss my prices with clients with a lot more ease and a lot more confidence. It’s gotten rid of a lot of awkwardness, limitations and weird feelings around money that I used to have.
So Kai is super amazing. She is really warm and supportive, but she’ll also kick your butt if she needs to, to get you to do the work. Which I think is really important in a coach. It works for me anyway! Since doing the work with Kai, I have started activating a lot of things in my life.
I am focusing more on one of my businesses to generate more income, and it’s really working! I am contacting clients with confidence. I am seeking out leads and sending people emails and quoting prices left right and centre. Before it was hard because I didn’t know to anything – I just didn’t trust myself.
I had all this emotional stuff in the way. But now it is clearing and there is space for opportunities to come into my life, where there wasn’t space before because there were all these beliefs in the way. I am really grateful for the work I have been doing with Kai because it is completely transforming my life.
Not only professionally but also personally. I just don’t care what people think of me and that’s really liberating because that can be seen in my business. And I can reach out to people more easily. And I can make more friends. I just have such a feeling of freedom in my life that I never had before.
So if you’re thinking of joining…I would definitely, definitely recommend it – it is changing my life!
I’ve been working with Kai-Ashley from The Vibrant Success Club and it’s made a massive difference to me – I was absolutely stuck around money and debt.
I felt ashamed, embarrassed and full of fear. I was just stuck. So within 4 days of working with her materials online I had finally started to do my tax return [which I had put off for such a long time even though they owed me money].
Things have got better and better since then. The tax return money came back and I just feel very, very different. I’ve tapped before so it’s not something that’s new to me but I had never specifically tapped on money and mainly I had worked by myself.
I also worked one to one with her which is amazing. She is one of these people – watch out World! She really is a star. When she’s working she’s kind of illuminated. She’s wonderful.
She is passionate, she’s hard working, she loves what she does. But she’s also tender and tough at the same time because she sets challenges for you and you make sure that you meet them.
So yep, I am happy to endorse Kai and I am looking forward to keeping on working with her. And I wish her lots and lots of success. Thank you!
I started to talk to people about the debt I was in and after 4 days this led to people just giving me money…

Ready To Embrace Your True Greatness???

This is a very special program…
That will blow your mind…
And open your eyes to amazing opportunities…!
The amazing thing about this program…
Is that it works with your energy body…
Your beliefs, and YOU as a person.
This program really IS all about YOU, sweetheart…
This Deep Healing process works…
On a level most people never experience at all…!
It goes right to the root of your deep blocks…
And transforms it into positive energy quickly…!
You will literally FEEL this SHIFT in your body!

This is the type of work that helps you do the impossible - LITERALLY!!
The Mainstream is slow to catch on…
To the power your body and mind has to heal itself…
It is MIRACULOUS what is possible…
When you know how to tap into your energy body like this…
What IF you still felt good about yourself?
Wouldn’t you bounce back easier?
Can you see how you would create your goals into reality if you stopped getting in your own way?
What if your creativity was truly unleashed so you had a flurry of new ideas, inspiration, and your energy increased so you could FOCUS and have FUN doing the work?
How would your life improve if you felt completely confident about being seen on video or talking in front of a crowd?
Can you see how life would change for you? It really does!
This is why I recommend this program with all my heart and soul.

Sign up to get your lifetime access…
To this amazing program…
You can do it over a short period, which is recommended for best results —
But the beauty of this work is that you follow what feels right –
You can totally do it over a matter of months…
And it will still help you transform stubborn issues into confidence and clarity!

You are going to see such epic results, they will be PRICELESS!
Every person that has gone through this program has unlocked their potential…
And made space to allow so much more into their lifes…
And the amazing thing is that every time you repeat the program, or even a session…
You will go deeper, and get another layer of transformation!
You could literally do this program 50 times and every time it would be like doing a new program all over again!
17 Days Of Deep Healing
Exclusive access 17 Days Of Deep Healing Transformational Content That Will Change Your Life Forever!
(Valued at £2,997 But really it’s priceless!)
Bonus Healings & Guided Visualizations, Packing Out Your Experience For A Deeper Transformation
(Valued at £450)

Watch These Videos To See Just Some Of What’s Possible For You Too!

This Is Right For You If:
You are a leader, entrepreneur, author, or artist
Who has big dreams AND is smart enough to know the value of personal development work so you invest in yourself wisely with mentors who help to accelerate your success
You are open to the idea that YOU control your reality
Rather than sitting back and blaming The World you choose to step up and take action so you can change your own life on your own terms!
You are choosing to DO the work in this program
Because if you never try it, you will never know what all the fuss is about, and you KNOW amazing quantum leaps are possible so you want to experience these incredible results for yourself too!
You like powerful experiences
That shake up your perspective and can change your life in an instant… That’s what this will do for you, just like hundreds of my students who have gotten amazing results as well!

You might be wondering if this is going to be another program that promises the world but ends up not working for you… Am I right?
I know exactly how you feel.
In fact, many of my clients felt exactly the same way before they started!
Many were actually skeptical and unsure if this would work for them
Some of them flat out didn’t believe in it at all…
But every single person who took the plunge, and tried Deep Healing MY WAY – were blown away by their results
Now dozens of those exact clients and fans are actively sharing my work around the internet…
Because it works often where nothing else has for them!
And the beauty about this method, is that it works with your mind AND body..
You are directed in each moment so there is no guess work at all – it really is impossible to get it wrong!
So this means you can be sure that no matter what…
And as long as you turn up and press play and follow along…
You too will get audacious results that light up your life
And help you shine brightly like you were born to do!