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All things business success - including visibility, follower growth, brilliant ideas, manifesting amazing opportunities:

Through emotional healing such as healing fear of being seen, fear of judgement, negative self talk, family paradigm money healing, identity upgrade, energy increase…

Releasing need to people please which limits your ability to thrive, regulating your nervous system so you feel safe, worthy etc…

All of these directly impact whether your business plans work out (or not)

Understand This Big Business & Life Happiness Block

The Need To Prove & Impress:

One of THE biggest blocks I see in my successful spiritual entrepreneur clients is the need to prove and impress. This pride, insecurity and self-worth issue runs as a deep undercurrent in your subconscious, with generational wounding passed down in your DNA. My work changes DNA - DNA isn’t set in stone and is actually created by your environment.

For the science on this you can look up: Dr Bruce Lipton PhD epigenetics. Watch this and then try my energy healing and mindset exercises…

Make sure you’re signed up to my email community so we don’t lose touch and you can continue to learn from me, uplevel, thrive and PROSPER!

EFT Breathwork Tapping For Manifesting Money In Business Reprogramming Money and Abundance Blocks

My emotional healing is a unique mix of advanced talk therapy, with somatic trauma informed practices, subconscious reprogramming AND deprogramming, plus a variety of practices like inner child and inner monster work, generational healing, karma healing, I often use faith based prayer, healing visualization and manifesting practices

FYI: Everyone has trauma - even people with happy upbringing because its about NOT processing negative experiences correctly)

Grab a pen and paper - and stay til the end.

Just like going to the gym, you may not feel like it now - but the pay off at the end is well worth it! Not only will you feel better, lighter and brighter - you will have positive manifestations, great ideas and opportunities come into your life!

Increase in energy and endurance to take action that gets results is a common result from doing my work. The more of my sessions you do, the more epic the results!

More Free Successs Resources:

More somatic breathwork tapping, client testimonials and mindset teachings!

Plus how to work with me 1:1

Pick and choose which ones call to you

And keep scrolling all the way to bottom to see it all

Also See:

Want Even More Success Resources?

This first one is an oldie but a goodie - an interview training I did with a coach of mine Katrina Ruth - previously known as Kat Loterzo - with a guided exercise to manifest greater visibility reach on social media!

Definitely worth the listen!

This Quick Audio Will Motivate & Inspire You

Have a little listen to this audio teaching if you’ve reached great levels of success but ever feel like you’ve fallen back or lost progress.

This will be great to listen to at the top of your success to prevent little sabotagey self judgements come up during your next contraction (as we all ebb and flow like the ocean). With THIS mindset given in this teaching, you won’t get in your head when things don’t go smoothly… This ensures the good times last longer and the harder times are easier to get through.


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