This 2 part VIP Healing is for the accomplished woman who knows she is powerful!

You are the type of person who invests in herself because you have seen first hand how the right support and skillset can radically transform your reality.

In this deeply healing, heart opening, energy expanding, transformational 1:1 private 2 part program, you will release trapped negative emotions that have been stuck and stagnating in your body since childhood. 

No matter how successful we become, we all still have our triggers, don’t we?

Whether you have an emotional issue or stress bogging you down right now - or you simply wish to expand to new levels of ease and flow in your business, health and relationships - Replenish VIP will refresh your energy in ways very few get to experience.

You will be guided in 2 parts through a MindBody / Somatic process that accesses your subconscious mind where your repressed issues are stored - repressed meaning you don’t know you have them because you have turned away from them for so long, they simply show up as problems and issues in your life - and it can be hard to see WHY

It can be so hard to feel your feelings - even harder to actually dissolve them


Because we have been trained to try to change and fight with the feelings - when we need to do the exact opposite. Plus even the most gifted healers who have the best skills - still need to have outside help to access their deepest darkest issues.

Over these 2 sessions, you will be guided to feel and process the secret hidden feelings that are holding you back, slowing you down, causing havoc and negative patterns in your life

After the first session you might be quite tired and drained - but this is GOOD!

It means the negativity that feels normal to you is GONE!

Then when you sleep you’ll fill back up with positive, God Force energy!

1st Session will be two sessions in one - (approx) 90 minute each with a 40 minute break in between…

The second session will be approx 90 minutes give or take depending on flow

The time isn’t as important as how transformed you’ll be on the inside

Clients often manifest money after these calls, and/or have healings in their relationships with calls out the blue asking for forgiveness. 

You may also have lucky opportunities drop into your lap - it happens all the time!

You will definitely feel lighter, more high vibe, more at ease, more able to focus and great ideas and realizations will move through you like electricity.

Replenish VIP will truly renew you inside and out!

Plus you will receive a nourishment resource pack, with links to the best minerals and vitamins for to support your body and spirit through this powerful time of change.

This is the deepest work you can do.

Trauma informed, you will be guided to use your breath and intention to clear OLD trauma from your cells - which we ALL have! 

Sign up below, then DM or email me to book in your times to Replenish yourself today!