Note to self, yet again: It’s not about what other people think of me.
A couple days ago I dropped deeper into the truth of self-acceptance.
I found and changed this one big trigger around what I thought people thought about me and my extra weight.
As I was dropping into the super charged trigger, firing off on my stomach somewhere…
Relaxing into it - letting it know that none of it matters because I am safe, guided and provided for…
Also knowing that the method of empowered creation is detachment and floating in The Zero Point Field aka Grace of God Energy…
I heard a little voice that said:
“But yeah - others won’t accept you with your weight tho - not really..”
This was a little voice that has been with me for YEARS - controlling my reactions. Making me flinch, hide, cringe and binge…
Because of how bad it made me feel to think about others not accepting me - its the one area that’s still be really tricky for me above all others.
In that moment - I had THE shift.
As the voice of fear bubbled up -this time I realized…
Wait there: Even if they don’t accept me, it’s not about them.
It’s about me and only me accepting me…
Mixed with my knowings of how reality works as a mirror - It clicked instantly because ALSO people can only show up for you how you show up for you.
So when you don’t accept you, others won’t either.
In that moment I was able to drop deep into that triggered feeling - softly - gently - on a breath and a sigh…
And bammmm it began to dissolve as this new inner peace expanded throughout my body.
We all have triggers to some degree.
They aren’t normal. They may be common but all triggers are built on some sort of lie in order to protect ourselves.
And yes they come from experience but actually they are self-fulfilling prophecies that repeat on a viscious cycle, teaching you lessons until you learn it by realizing that it is not actually REAL.
So to drop the triggers - I use my emotional alchemy practices and my breath
You know I also tap a lot
I use it DURING the breathwork tapping energy healing I do ……
But I have a practice that is deeper than tapping…
It’s a self conversation, along with emotional alchemy.
This is a specific somatic tracking and MindBody Relaxation practice that LITERALLY DISSOLVES the stuck energy in your body
This is the same energy that causes sciatica and other physical issues.
This is the same energy that causes you to have things go wrong in your life.
We need to clear these triggers and get you to the energy state of PEACE.
This is the work.
This is the strategy.
This is the way forward.
Kai xo
Next Steps:
Have you done my Heart and Soul Energy Activation Replay yet?
As you may know, I am hosting FREE Live Guided Energy Healings on Zoom each Wednesday
They are amazing.
Truly great for releasing any block or problem in any area of your life from business to communication to health and physical pain….
Because I work with the building blocks of your body - ATOMS.
Like a caterpillar that goes into the cocccoon and DISSOLVES into a liquid - it then gets built back up again into a butterfly.
This is literally what we do with the energy and physical structures of your body - we heal whatever blocks are in the way of you being the clear Divine vessel you truly are.
So please come to the next live if it calls to you!
Sign up here to add it to your calendar easily and RSVP your spot!
And to catch last weeks replay “To Find The Peaceful Path Forward” go to the next link below
This was AMAZING… Seriously you have to try it because it’s only available for a limited time, until we go live again on Wednesday.
Then it’s replaced with the next replay.
This replay also has some deep metaphysical / spiritual philosophy Q & A Teachings…
You will be guided through the deep parts of you that feel you can not trust.
And transform essential layers of darkness into confidence, trust and LIGHT.
It really is worth the time - so please do it now because often, later never comes, if you know what I mean.
Replay page here: www.SpiritualSuccessJourney.
Finally, if you are ready to do the real sincere inner work to expand into the greater version of you…
Whether it be physical pain like sciatica or fibromyalgia (I am a master at healing physical chronic issues)
Or simple anxiety and communication or insecurity issues… I’m your gal.
I am selective with who I work privately…
Because I am all about the true transformation, which not everyone is ready for..
But if you ARE ready to actually dooo the work it takes to transform your brain chemistry, nervous system patterns, belief sets and actions taken…
Then reach out to me and ask about my 1 to 1 guided healing journey.
This is all about helping you thrive in your business and life, grow your audience, and as I keep saying release ANY block or problem in the way.
Many of my clients continue working with me for a year, 2 years and more because of how at EVERY stage of growth my processes transcend your fear and eradicate your excuses - so you just keep GROWING.
But lets start with my Transformational Intro Session or my Free Pain Reveal Consult.
Then if I deem we are a good fit, we can talk next steps.
Send me a message to ask about options and let me know if you have any questions xo
Or sign up to my email list for my free energy activations and reply to the welcome email here