Release Resistance & Get Into Action!

Potent Journaling plus Self Talk Exercise To Empower You To Move Forward Creating Your Dreams Purposefully!

⭐ If you’re an ambitious creative, spiritual or passion driven entrepreneur, yet you feel resistance around moving forward, then this is for you!

⭐ Ever had the best intentions to do great and move forward - you’ve done the visualizations, you’ve written your list - but then when it comes time to take action, it feels like you’re walking through quicksand with a 100 pound weight attached to your back? Say hello to self sabotage, which is a protection mechanism. Get this freebie to release that weight and free yourself so you can fly high through your work to success!

⭐ If you know the power of inner work combined with faith based action work, then you know how powerful inner work methods like this can be, grab this and make sure to actually DO the exercise within, because when you do, distracting yourself with other things won’t seem so important, and you’ll actually sit your butt in that chair and allow your mind to light up and fingers to type at marathon speed!

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Who Is Kai Ashley?

Hi, I’m Kai Ashley and I am a leader and healer who does NOT fit into the mainstream World - and I LIKE IT that way!

But growing up it was hard for me… I saw how wrong The World was. And through a constant string of negative experiences since the womb I developed PTSD, social anxiety and ended up with chronic diseases that I got to heal myself naturally from!

Gone are the days when I would blame and be triggered. When I would hate, steal and lie.. That’s like a distant memory, a dream that’s vague and way in the past now…

Now, I show up from a powerful place of Love, compassion, strength and understanding.

I’ve learned how to say NO to everything that is not of my heart - Im still on the journey everything is more my goal lol. But I am close and getting closer all of the time. You see following your Soul’s inner knowing is THE path to true success on all levels…

And this has been my journey.

I have helped, supported, guided and empowered thousands of amazing people around The World to clear the blocks in the way of their success.

From my YouTube channel, to my programs, to my private 1:1 work - I impact lives in a positive way that is uniquely my own approach. I have a way of explaining complex spiritual concepts in practical ways you can actually use in your daily life.

To me, spirituality is about being in your POWER.

Because you are a creative being, made in the image of God / The INFINITE….

You create. Full Stop.

But we have all been traumatized! Everyone is suffering a low to high level PTSD.

The way we think, the way we act, the way we punish ourselves with guilt and self abuse is not normal!

It is so against our natural state… And people wonder why they can’t just do a session and have everything be better? Nah, this is a spiritual success journey! As you heal how you feel inside about yourself you will naturally become more prosperous, successful, happy, and guided by Love…

This is what I am here on this Earth to do.

At one of my workshops in Bali


But let’s be real.

I am not some perfect angel on a cloud lol - sometimes I still drink and party…

But not like I used to. And lately, it’s been almost never.

It used to be this constant need for stimulation.

It used to hurt me to be sober.

But now I don’t need that stuff anymore.

And even though I do it less and less… I’m not here to pretend we all have to be freaking perfect to move forward in our lives!

So if you want to be guided by someone who has been through the school of knocks and been able to move forward and succeed even with insecurities and all sort of issues, so you can see that you can level up right here, with you are right NOW. Then I’m your leader.

I’m someone who KNOWS how to overcome negative thinking, step into your power, listen to your heart and make great money moves, Love moves and fit and sexy moves in your life.. And has true love without judgement no matter what you’ve been through or done… Then I’m your lady.

Originally from Australia, I now live in The UK with my gorgeous Cockney English husband.

I call him my A-Dean-is (for Adonis, because he has a ripped body and his name is Dean lol).

We met on a Paradise Beach in Thailand and it was pretty much Love at first sight.

The moment he saw me, he was shocked because he had just put out a decision that he was ready to settle down with a wife who was bubbly, stubborn, strong, funny, gorgeous and whatever else he said lol.. And there I was bouncing around down on the dance floor.

He said to himself: That’s my wife!

And our love story began there.

I can’t wait to share my World with you.

Please join us in this or one of my offerings that call to you

And as an FYI in my 1:1 work I heal chronic pain and illness as part of your success journey…

So if you are interested in avoiding risky operations and healing physical stuff the doctors say can not be fixed, then send me a message.

And for right now - jump in to this awesome freebie so you let go of dead weight and step into the better versions of yourself.

Release Resistance & Get Into Action!

Potent Journaling plus Self Talk Exercise To Empower You To Move Forward Creating Your Dreams Purposefully!

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