Back In Business Spinal Alchemy Session:
Heal Your Chronic Pain AND Boost Your Business - Yes, They’re Connected.
Wanna Know how?
Watch this:
How Is Back Pain Connected To Business Blocks, Really?
On the most obvious surface level, think about it…If you’re in painful agony or even suffering with a persistent throbbing ache, you can hardly be present to do great work in your business, can you?
You can’t focus, you have to take time off, cancel appointments and probably can’t sit still for long periods of time.
So that alone would be enough, yeah?
BUT Back Pain Is Caused By Repressed Emotions!
Many of the exact same emotions that cause blocks in your business AND relationships
Repressed anger, resentment, regret and fear can create massive havoc in your body and life - especially because you don’t even know you’re feeling. Otherwise it wouldn’t be called repressed, would it?!
Notice what you’re thinking when your pain flares up - often the thoughts are under the surface so can be hard to notice… BUT with some practice, you can catch the thoughts and beliefs that trigger your pain!
To heal, you must be willing to FEEL the negative - and you must learn how to communicate with the negative parts of you that you had to repress when you were younger in order to cope and survive - but now it is time to face these hurt parts of you in order to thrive!
The most important thing is how we FEEL.
But you’re so interested in what you need to do to get what you want and to maintain your responsibilities, that you have disconnected from your deepest feelings. Once you realize that how you feel is meant to lead you in your decisions - and my method and guidance will teach you how - then life becomes truly amazing. You learn that what you want isn’t on the other side of your goals, but right here, right now, within your very own body!
This is what they mean by raising your vibration to become a match to your desires…
Except your real desires are a natural match for you when you release the fear, pain and trauma in the way that blocks you from being the real you!
So as we heal your back pain (any pain, actually) - not only do you feel better in your body but your entire life opens up into what you always hoped it would be!
Scroll down to if you’re ready to book in your initial 1:1 Session with me (with a one time discount for new clients), or jump into my 11 week Back In Business Pain Freedom Healing Program.
1:1 guidance is the most effective and practical way to jumpstart your pain freedom success journey now.
Over 11 sessions, you will radically transform your body with Kai Clifford’s guidance, so you have pain freedom, emotional freedom AND life freedom in more ways than ever before!
Make sure you’ve spoken to Kai Clifford over messenger on FB or IG before you sign up to make sure you’re a good fit.
Then begin this epic step in your journey by clicking the button below!