Dive into this Even though this work will bless you with more money, opportunities and joyful relationships - the work is always about dropping deeper into trust, into faith and into courage. 

Commit to doing all 8 of the sessions, ranging from 15 to 35 minutes (in as short period of time as possible) you and will experience a noticeable increase in your personal well being, your brilliance, genius and intuition will all be heightened and brightened.

EFT For Strong Boundaries And To Let Go of PEOPLE PLEASING

Release the need to please others even though it leaves you feeling drained, resentful and is NOT aligned with your intuition and best and highest good Release the need to please others even though it leaves you feeling drained, resentful and is NOT aligned with your intuition and best and highest good

EFT To Trust and Surrender

Let go of the toxic need to control and get good at playing in the unknown with this powerful session to release your fears of the future and what you think you can’t control

Sovereign Prayer: 

Entity removal, karmic contract deletion, energetic empowerment This is a unique Sovereign Declaration To Delete Matrix Programming with Kai’s EFT Tapping When we declare that we do NOT consent it causes ripples through the space time continuum, so every one needs to do this prayer!

EFT To Release And Forgive Something You’ve Been Trying To Heal

Forgiveness is the number way to free up old energy being diverted into protecting yourself unnecessarily. Unleash more of your genius by releasing the hurt with this guided forgiveness tapping

EFT To Increase Your Energy Levels

If you have any lethargy or chronic fatigue then  this is for you! Every time you repeat you will be more energized and full life!

GRATITUDE: Loving What You Have Masterclass

A powerful session to tap you into the greatness all around you - remember - Gratitude is not about being grateful for what you will get in the future - its about being great-full for what is in your life now!

EFT For Self Esteem - Let Go of The Past and Like Yourself

The more you like yourself the better you do and FEEL in life. Let go of needing others to validate you so feel worthy as you are know without having to be do or have anything additional. This is what makes you magnetic!

EFT To Attract Clients - Call in your soul tribe, and grow your following

Call in your soul tribe, and grow your following. Release the fear of being judged - overcome fear of rejection - get over your shyness - be more confident - love yourself more - uplevel your self image and change your state so you vibrate higher, manifest money, make great sales and be an online leader with an amazing soul tribe of ideal clients.

Work with Kai 1:1

You are brilliant at what you do…