Forgiveness Journey: Release Hurt Energy STUCK In Your Cells & Aura To Get Your Life Force Back & THRIVE In Life
What is SO Special About FORGIVENESS?
I created this digital program because of my vast work with thousands of clients around The World. Every single person I have met, without exaggeration has deep levels of trauma literally LOCKED in their cellular tissues and auric field. Most people are completely numb to it - but it influences your decisions, expectations and outcomes.
Although this energy is trying to keep you safe, it can act like an enemy, constantly sabotaging you, making you feel insecure, unable to trust or let go of control. This trauma is DIRECTLY related to every single problem in your life. 100%. Nothing happens from outside of that isn’t already present within you as an expectation of some sort.
In The Forgiveness Journey, you will discover this locked up energy and release it with my unique, cutting edge processes that shift stuck energy on a prolific level, like most people have never experienced before.
This beautiful journey is all about releasing the HURT ENERGY in your body.
Forgiveness does NOT necessarily mean that what happened was OK. It doesn’t mean you condone it. It certainly doesn’t mean you’ll just do it again - actually it’s the opposite. With this UNforgiveness stuck in your body, you are more likely to repeat and play out the patterns in your life on a repeating drama loop. Sound familiar?
So what IS Forgiveness?
Forgiveness is simply ‘Releasing The Hurt’. It’s where you can think about what happened in the past, shrug your shoulders and sigh nonchalantly without being hurt and triggered when you think about it. Or without being numb and getting a sudden craving instead.
It means you release the emotional hooks and triggers that keep you attached to the painful past so you release regret and all the other things like shame, anger, resentment, guilt, fear, mistrust etc and you feel so FREE.
Can you imagine how much LIFE FORCE ENERGY is cleared up when you release these heavy attachments?
It truly is amazing what happens when you DOOOO this work.
Just like going to the gym to exercise and get fit - you need to exercise your emotional and spiritual well being too.
Just like how often you don’t want to exercise, but if you do, you always feel amazing after - this is like that but times a million.
What can you expect on this Forgiveness Journey?
Inside this program you have a series of teachings and tappings that empower you to feel, heal and let go of the pain in a safe, powerful, quite intense and heart healing way. The natural high you get off doing this work is better than drugs, more fun than a theme park because of how you FEEL after.
My clients who get the best results do what I call ‘Binge Tapping’ Where just like binging on Netflix you binge on one tapping session after another. Everyone has wayyyy more stuff than they realize. So yes, this does take work. You do have to put time into your own healing. But this is your opportunity to take control of your LIFE.
The time you invest in this program will be returned literally a thousand fold. The new decisions you make, the opportunities you can SEE that you were blind to before… All gives you a greater life experience. The amazing thing about this work is that it works on your personal blocks and desires. So things your heart truly desires often show up without us even working on it specifically - just because you have released the fear and resistance in the way.