Amazing highlights this week!
My Heart and Soul Scroll Page has many of my teachings and offerings from all different social media platforms - so you can easily scroll through something that’s good for you and expands your life!
Starting off with my latest 101 Days of Breathwork Tapping Healing!
Make sure you keep scrolling down and come back to this page to get all the goodness 🙂Â
Manifestation Session: Faith In Good Things Happening
One of THE most important mindset shifts we must build, over literally years is the belief that everything is working out - even when they seem to be going wrong.
We all doubt sometimes - but did you know that all doubt is evil? Not necessarily criminal evil - but limitation that is opposite to The Divine Law of Abundance. This will help you trust and have faith! Yet another great one to be repeated…
So jump into this - if you want to leave a comment you can click on the title on the video to share your experience or message me personally - I am always thrilled to hear of your experience.
Just make sure to come back and absorb, learn from and be upgraded by the rest of my content, as you’re ready….
If you love healing and expansion - read this!
I invite you to join my case study opportunity for a limited time 60% discount on sessions in exchange for a testimonial only when you get great results you Love (Open This)
For the passion led spiritual woman who knows that her life, health, wealth and spiritual get to be better and better! You’re ready to overcome your insecurities and remaining pain/limiting issues that hold you back…
You are driven and you want more in life… You are here to make a difference - but you have something holding you back or slowing you down…
My case study is for the subset of my clients who have physical chronic pain!
Chronic pain is extremely easy for me to heal because I actually understand how it really works - I have healed dozens of clients from all sorts of things including back pain, womb cramps in 2 clients and saved them both from hysterecomies the doctors said they would have to have…
Sciatica in a client who for 9 years was in agony - the doctors said the only way to fix it was a risky operation with no guarantee…Instead she worked with me and over repeated sessions the pain went away for longer and longer- got smaller and smaller until one day it disappeared completely!
Also curved foot pain, frozen shoulder, asthma…
All pain heals the same btw - I work at the subconscious and somatic level.
One of my clients came to me for business blocks, which we worked on and helped her with…
But I found out straight away she had painful acid reflux stomach spasms that had taken over her life.
She couldn’t sleep lying down and every morning she woke up in fear because she knew the second she moved she would start going into a painful fit for about an hour.
For 4 years she has this. The doctors sent her some and couldn’t help her… But after 2 and a half months of work with me they one day just went away.
It means so much to me that I did something for her that was meant to be impossible to heal.
She also could barely leave the house cos the stomach spasms could strike at any time.
After 2 and a half months I asked her how they were.. She looked at me blankly for a moment..
Laughed and said OH I FORGOT ABOUT THOSE In the 9 days since we’d seen each other they’d gone away…
And something that had been so set in for years just went away so much it was like they were never there!
This will work for you too - so if you’re ready to try something new then read on and reach out to apply to be in my 9 week or 15 week case study - you’ll get a 60% discount on sessions, which I know is a lot…
But I’m serious about getting people in the door because my healing needs to be experienced by more as it really is LIFE CHANGING in the highest sense of the word…
I’m someone who has a proven track record - all I need is more public testimonials to show that I am the real deal, which I am!
And did you know Bruce Lipton PhD says 99% of chronic pain is emotional.
When I see so people paying chiropractors and going to doctor after doctor but not getting any relief - it hurts my heart and makes me all the more determined because I actually can heal your pain - it sucks to watch people suffer unnecessarily.
If you want to see the science side look up Dr John Sarno and Garbo Mate on TMS pain, which teaches how chronic pain is emotional.
Even if its from an injury and even if you have an xray showing back pain damage - if its stayed around for more than a few months or so - then it has an emotional component holding it all together.
Right now I am looking for more case studies because even thought I’ve healed dozens of people, most of them havent wanted to leave public testimonials - so it makes it hard to show people that I’m the real deal - which I am!
Check the videos testimonials below after you read this, and if you are ready to finally heal you pain and stop cancelling important things, feeling low energy and going from doctor to chiropractor and back - then I look forward to hearing from you to make magic happen.
If and WHEN you get great results - then all you have to do is give me a testimonial in exchange for a generous discount.
If something inside of you is telling you to try this, then please listen because God/The Divine connects me with people when they are finally ready to open up to true healing.
Message me for a no pressure chat on Facebook here or Instagram here for a no pressure chat and to make this next chapter of your life the best chapter so far!
or email me at Kai@SpiritualSuccessClub.comÂ
Kai Clifford Energy AlchemistÂ
Personal vs Supernatural Power
Stop trying to use your own power when manifesting - this will be an uplifting and super helpful reminder that will help you deeply in your life.
Exercise To Regulate Your Nervous System
Question: I have an extremely disregulated nervous system. Help me, what can I do?  My Answer: I’m experienced in healing trauma and regulating the nervous system so I can help. The first step is to connect with your body and breathe long deep breaths. Put…
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Relationship Make-Over Summit Interview Series
You will love Ana T Brooks words of wisdom in episode 4 where we talk about the importance of creating an empowering and positive self concept aka your identity and how you see yourself.
You will learn:
- The importance of a self concept How to get out of a funk and change your life so good things happen and change in your life too!
- The importance of not settling
- What does settling actually look like?
- How to walk forward in trust when making big relationship choices
Spiritual Class with Kai: Emotional Mastery, Overcoming Problems, Growing & Healing
✨Making decisions the wrong and right way.
✨Power of your breath and your ability to heal
✨Your emotional guidance system is KEY!
✨How to use your emotional guidance system to overcome all self worth issues and lies you believe about how life works
✨How to overcome your problems and see them as blessings
✨How to call more support into your life and stop feeling lonely
✨What does creating a relationship with yourself actually mean?
💖 What does it mean to stop abandoning yourself and HOW
✨What 100% Responsibility REALLY means
✨How to stop being bummed about revisiting the same lessons or falling back and failing - the spiral of life and spiritual development
✨what is trauma really and how to release it from your body
✨what you can heal with my emotional purification methods
Spiritual Class: Birth, Death & Living Longer: what Really Happens?
A deep look into the nature of death, birth, rebirth and living longer - what happens when we die? How can we live longer?
Why do we lose our memory when we die? Do we remember who we are when we die?
This spiritual perspective will expand your mind and help you feel a deeper understanding of how life and death really works
EFT For Fear of Death & Life - 101 Days of Breathwork Tapping
Overcome fear of death and life with EFT tapping and energy alchemy.
Clear fears of what happens after death. Strengthen your soul and learn to enjoy your life
Most People Pray & Affirm Wrong - Do THIS Instead:
5 Steps To Effective, Life Changing Prayer For Spiritual Support and Fortifying Yourself. Prayer is so much more than just asking for things. Learn how to pray and affirm your desires so everything works out for you by the grace of God
@spiritualsuccesscoachkai Most People Pray & Affirm Wrong - Do THIS Instead: 5 Steps To Effective, Life Changing Prayer For Spiritual Support and Fortifying Yourself. Prayer is so much more than just asking for things. Learn how to pray and affirm your desires so everything works out for you by the grace of God Love 🩷🌠Kai Clifford Energy Alchemist ⚡ #changeyourmindset #prayerworks #prayertime #graceofgod #spiritualdevelopment #affirmationsdaily ♬ original sound - Kai Clifford Energy Alchemy