Welcome to another issue of my heart and soul scroll - exciting news today!
I officially launched my new SPIRITUAL CLASS LIVESTREAMS weekly recently!
All the replays, along with other transformational pieces of content are below so remember to scroll all the way down for more transformational content to upgrade and improve your life in every area…
I’m now doing just one a week and alternating between fb and YouTube..
This Spiritual Success Class is the incredibly synchronistic story of how listening to my intuition saved someone’s life last night!
Today’s session was an incredible teaching, one everyone has to watch!
Remember - there’s loads more teachingss and cool things below…
So keep reading, watching and scrolling down because of my content is designed to help you grow into who God/The Divine made you to be!
If you love healing and expansion - read this!
I invite you to join my case study opportunity for a limited time 40% discount on sessions in exchange for a testimonial only when you get great results you Love (Open This)
For the passion led spiritual woman who knows that her life, health, wealth and spiritual get to be better and better! You’re ready to overcome your insecurities and remaining pain/limiting issues that hold you back…
You are driven and you want more in life… You are here to make a difference - but you have something holding you back or slowing you down…
My case study is for the subset of my clients who have physical chronic pain!
Chronic pain is extremely easy for me to heal because I actually understand how it really works - I have healed dozens of clients from all sorts of things including back pain, womb cramps in 2 clients and saved them both from hysterecomies the doctors said they would have to have…
Sciatica in a client who for 9 years was in agony - the doctors said the only way to fix it was a risky operation with no guarantee…Instead she worked with me and over repeated sessions the pain went away for longer and longer- got smaller and smaller until one day it disappeared completely!
Also curved foot pain, frozen shoulder, asthma…
All pain heals the same btw - I work at the subconscious and somatic level.
One of my clients came to me for business blocks, which we worked on and helped her with…
But I found out straight away she had painful acid reflux stomach spasms that had taken over her life.
She couldn’t sleep lying down and every morning she woke up in fear because she knew the second she moved she would start going into a painful fit for about an hour.
For 4 years she has this. The doctors sent her some and couldn’t help her… But after 2 and a half months of work with me they one day just went away.
It means so much to me that I did something for her that was meant to be impossible to heal.
She also could barely leave the house cos the stomach spasms could strike at any time.
After 2 and a half months I asked her how they were.. She looked at me blankly for a moment..
Laughed and said OH I FORGOT ABOUT THOSE In the 9 days since we’d seen each other they’d gone away…
And something that had been so set in for years just went away so much it was like they were never there!
This will work for you too - so if you’re ready to try something new then read on and reach out to apply to be in my 3 month or 6 month case study - you’ll get a 40% discount on sessions, which I know is a lot…
But I’m serious about getting people in the door because my healing needs to be experienced by more as it really is LIFE CHANGING in the highest sense of the word…
I’m someone who has a proven track record - all I need is more public testimonials to show that I am the real deal, which I am!
And did you know Bruce Lipton PhD says 99% of chronic pain is emotional.
When I see so people paying chiropractors and going to doctor after doctor but not getting any relief - it hurts my heart and makes me all the more determined because I actually can heal your pain - it sucks to watch people suffer unnecessarily.
If you want to see the science side look up Dr John Sarno and Garbo Mate on TMS pain, which teaches how chronic pain is emotional.
Even if its from an injury and even if you have an xray showing back pain damage - if its stayed around for more than a few months or so - then it has an emotional component holding it all together.
Right now I am looking for more case studies because even thought I’ve healed dozens of people, most of them havent wanted to leave public testimonials - so it makes it hard to show people that I’m the real deal - which I am!
Check the videos testimonials below after you read this, and if you are ready to finally heal you pain and stop cancelling important things, feeling low energy and going from doctor to chiropractor and back - then I look forward to hearing from you to make magic happen.
If and WHEN you get great results - then all you have to do is give me a testimonial in exchange for a generous discount.
If something inside of you is telling you to try this, then please listen because God/The Divine connects me with people when they are finally ready to open up to true healing.
Message me for a no pressure chat on Facebook here or Instagram here for a no pressure chat and to make this next chapter of your life the best chapter so far!
or email me at Kai@SpiritualSuccessClub.com
Kai Clifford Energy Alchemist
PS of course you can sign up full price if you want to remain private, or if you dont have chronic pain and you wish to work on other things such as emotional health, visibility or relationships!
Today’s class was called How To Heal Everything In Your Life In Multiple Areas!
This will teach you the great news, that everything heals the same way - from chronic healing to anxiety, to releasing fears in the way of your desires!
Feel free to share this page too of course!
These both teach on different aspects of healing so watch part 1 and 2 in any order - watch one or both - its up to you!
Part 2
Alchemize Your Entire Life!
A full run down on what is it like to work with my and use my energy alchemy in your life on a consistant basis?
Together we will solve every problem, overcome every fear, prevent self sabotage before it even happens in your life AND break generational cycles, clear karma, open you up to opportunities, fortify your emotions and heal your relationships
Due to the nature of working on the atomic level in the subconscious with the emotional body and spirit realm combined - all of this happens naturally in the most wonderful ways.
I am a truly unique healer and spiritual guide.
You could also consider me a healer, mentor, teacher and therapist…
With me, everything you need to heal and uplevel in every area of you life - WHICH STARTS AND ENDS WITH YOU - is covered and Loved upon.
DM me for a no pressure chat to inquire about my Divinely guided 1:1 work that will change your life forever!
3 month, 6 month, 1 year and 2 year journeys available
You can start with a single session if you need to - or just take a leap into faith and get started on your journey straight away!
Kai Clifford
Your Spiritual Guide and Energy Alchemist
Spiritual Success Class Replays!
Today’s class was called The Need For Approval & Praise Leads To NO Good!
This will teach you how to overcome insecurity and how to stay focused on your mission and purpose even when followers are low, and how to have high self esteem whether people show up for you or now.
You can watch part 1 and 2 in any order - watch one or both - its up to you!
Feel free to share this page too of course!
Part 2
Spiritual Success Class Replays!
Today’s class was called YOUR PROBLEMS ARE THE PRICE FOR YOUR DESIRES. It will make sense when you watch - AND I know in my heart that this will help you to feel safer and more secure in this world.
As you fully understand this truth, you will become unshakeable more than ever before. You’ll see the blessing in every problem.
You can watch part 1 and 2 in any order - watch one or both - its up to you!
Please comment to let fb and yt know you wish to see more, so we can connect and to help others get to see this video too. Because the platforms value engagement above all…
Of course you don’t have - but it you want to give back and help others grow in their lives, sharing my content to your profile or DMing it to a friend is the best thing you can do.
Feel free to share this page too of course!
Part 2
Sub-Personality Communication
You are meant to be communicating with yourself on deeper levels than most of us already are.
This does take time and practice - but it really is worth it!
This will help you heal your pain, change your beliefs, get great ideas and so much more in life!
EFT To Overcome Resistance
#8 of 101 Days of Breathwork Tapping: Clearing Fear of Failure In Your Subconscious
Using my unique breathwork tapping is known to get incredible results in your life - in so many areas! This is a deeply healing method that clears out the toxins and cortisol in your body, connects you spiritually and reprograms your subconscious.
It does take some effort - but staying til the end is really worth it!
You CAN Get What You Want With Emotional Fitness!
Such a great video on the power of strengthening your emotions and becoming emotionally strong!
Solve Your Problems and Create Opportunities…
2 for 1 special!
You are a changemaker, matrix breaker and risk taker, when it comes to bucking the norms and forging your own path.
You see the world has gone crazy, mainstream is full of nonsense and the real truth lives in building yourself up spiritually and emotionally so you can make your life better - and help others too!
When you sign up to any of my homestudy programs here - reply to the welcome email or DM me to select ANOTHER program for free
This is to keep for life.
ALL of my programs transform your personality and reality.
Just make sure you put it in your calendar and actually show up for it because they really do work - but you have to show up and do the work!
Read my Healers ebook For Free!
If you’re not already in my email community - make sure you sign up to this! That way we can stay in touch and your life will be nourished, upgraded and transformed in the most beautiful ways as you read, watch and DO my work!
This is my gift to you for free - with 3 big mistakes everyone makes when healing themselves and others - plus what you can do instead AND healing scripts inside to use on yourself and others - this book will behoove you!

Please share!
You might like to DM this to a friend, or share on your profile…
Most people find me through shares.
So many of my clients marvel at how one random post that came across their newsfeed led to their marriage being saved, or their pain being healed, or their business growing - usually a combination of all 3 and other things!
So if you wish to give back and help others grow - please take a moment to share this page and recommend your friend signs up to my email list if they resonate with my vibe
Kai Clifford Energy Alchemist