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This Work Will Change Your Life!
Simply show up, and follow along!
Know that you CAN prioritize this over action because it will raise your vibration so you will take much better action that actually gets big results - so you really DO have the time to do this work.
So yes, of course action is essential because it helps you receive, and its part of the creative fun of being human…
BUT you must be aligned first to get the results you desire.
Have fun, and do as much as you can - even binging some days doing 2, or 4 or even 5 sessions in a row - you will reap the rewards over the coming weeks and even months from changing your beliefs to such a massive degree - I promise BIG things happen when you do this work!
So take advantage of this amazing opportunity because the more you do, the more mind-blowing your results will be!
Also give your time after the sessions to have down time to yourself, where you nap, write, walk, dance or swim…
Anything to help you integrate the healing…
Because know this isn’t just some visualizing - you are doing energy work at a quantum level that literally shifts your cellular chemistry and re-routes the actual physical neural pathways in your brain!
Finally I suggest to go look through every module first, so you can see what is there and if you ever want to skip ahead and choose a energy activation at random - go ahead!
Then LOOK OUT for wonderful changes in the way you think and feel, because directly after that really cool opportunities will come your way - and it will seem normal, like of course it’s like this - so it can be easy to miss - but you’re too smart and aware for that - so keep a look out and acknowledge your wonderful changes
OK - have fun and make sure to message me or post on fb or IG stories to let me know when you have big shifts or if you have any questions etc.
Kai xo
P.S If you get triggered or feel weird after doing this work,
it means you need to drop everything and do MORE not less.