Calling all High Achieving Changemakers who have reached a level of success - you have the clients, you make great money - but let’s be real, you’re stressed and even now, you still feel secretly insecure and worried about a variety of things…

Even though people on the outside might never guess it.

But you’re willing to do the inner work as well - you just need something that really works!

Let me guess… You have so much pressure on you, and even though you’re great at what you do and love what you have for the most part - you know there is always more expansion available to you!

You KNOW there is so much to life and you’re ready to go deep within and do the work to thrive! When you know something is right for you take fast action and you go all in, right?

You're sick of the golden handcuffs, No?

And even though yes you do have a lot of freedom compared to most - this is about you and what’s best for you…

To truly uplevel, heal and refine the areas of your life that are either less than perfect, more stressful than you like, or just plain difficult…

The best thing you can do is subconscious healing on an emotional level…



Did you know you can use your negative feelings for GOOD?

Your negative feelings have genius and truth within them - but the way you SEE it and hold onto it has to change.

More so, if you keep repressing these parts of you, they will keep bringing up unwanted situations and stressful reactions until you learn to face these parts within you

I know you’ve repressed certain feelings as second nature since you were a kid - because we ALL do it!

Just about different things for each of us (with common themes as well)…

We all have negative feelings within our unconscious mind

When you know how to transmute the negative into positive…

Then you become a natural magnet to your desires.

In Quantum Keys you will redesign your inside World so you’ll love the life you have, believe in yourself more than ever before, and naturally create the ease and wonder in your life you truly desire.


When you work with these emotional keys, you become the most powerful version of yourself!

Multiple opportunities arise for you - your energy and health improves and increases!

Your relationships heal…

Your personal power to say yes to what you want and no to what doesn’t serve you becomes a natural fact.

Get ready to learn what your negative feelings are trying to tell you!

When you discover your own subconscious programs in Quantum Keys, you will create a deep relationship with yourself…

This is how you clear sabotages, negative patterns, failing relationships, business stress and even health issues!

This is how you find your true self so you stop compromising your well being and happiness for what you think is the right thing…

But how can it truly be right for the long term when it’s causing so much stress, worry and havoc in certain areas of your business, life and emotions?


For many in my programs, it all just shows up as "stress"

You may even think this doesn’t apply to you…

When in reality, negative experiences as a child set you up to either overwork yourself into eventual burnout and overwhelm, using your success to fill that void/anxiety within you that comes up when you stop…

Or for some, it leads to freezing and sabotaging, where you indulge in cravings, procrastination and escapism.

Both are from a secret belief you need to prove yourself through your income or how much you to do be worthy, good enough and Loved… You simply processed it differently due to varying factors in your family and personality.

The Need To Be Perfect, Prove Yourself and Impress Others Is A Toxic Trauma Response

While it’s great to want to improve yourself - when you have this driving need to seem better than others (the need to impress) - this actually makes a person incredibly insecure.

So matter how fantastic you actually are - and let’s be real - you are quite impressive!

It’s hard for you to see it. It’s either never enough, or leads to imposter syndrome where you can’t let your true self with all your floors come through, otherwise your perfect mask will crack!

You likely have a prominent position as CEO of your business or star in your company, but inside you are worried about being judged, making a mistake and being seen as less than perfect…

In Quantum Keys you’ll unravel exactly how this is effecting your life

AND when we change it, business and relationships will be easier and in more in flow

You get to be your real self with people more of the time, which creates intimacy and closeness in relationships - something you can not have on deep levels when you’ve created an image of such perfection but have regular human flaws inside or at home


You've Likely Tried Many Things Before with Mixed Results - but This Is Different!

My method has been developed through 14 years of experience, healing myself from PTSD, social anxiety, chronic illness (by healing my emotions and subconscious programs trapped in my cellular structure) and through over 20,000 hours of this somatic EFT healing work on myself and MANY others around The World.

I healed and trained with Sonya Sophia, and developed upon her already breathy, spiritual approach and I’ve tapped into a trauma release method that isn’t just mindset - it is mind, body and spirit - deeply healing, purifying, motivating and unique!

When you clear your limiting beliefs and transform the negative emotions they produce (and literally live in) - you will tap into your true self!

Your creativity will soar!

Your brilliance will be off the charts!

You’ll open up to genius ideas and be able to action them more skilfully because you’ll have let go of the feelings and limitations within that say you can’t do it that way (due to past experiences you don’t even remember right now!)


You've Likely Tried Many Things Before with Mixed Results - but This Is Different!

Discover who you really are deep in your negative feelings - and make friends with them. This is truly profound, because it means uniting with yourself, so you become more intelligent.

I’ll teach you how to listen to your fears and educate these parts of you so they literally become positive…

Instead of pushing them away and ignoring them so you don’t feel the pain, thinking this means they’ll go away - but they only grow this way because they are still creating.

Worse, because you’re not willing to look at, feel and know these parts of you, you have no say in what they create!

By the end of Quantum Keys, you will know how to speak to these parts of you and change them, so your reality changes too! 


But in my 7 week Quantum Keys Intensive, you'll discover the real reason for your programs, problems and insecurities ...

AND you’ll transform them on such deep levels, you’ll feel like a new person -except like literally dozens of my clients have said word for word - you’ll feel more like your true self than ever before!

Can imagine how creating this relationship with yourself so you can change your unconscious mind could positively impact your creative power?

How you would become kinder and more present in your relationships?

How you will be able to create systems in your business that work better for you?

And how you’ll be able to say no to the things that aren’t serving you? - Whereas in the past you held on because you didn’t know it could change - or it didn’t feel safe to.

Joyful Client Testimonials

Transcript: Blew up Her IG to 35,000 AND Healed chronic pain AND anxiety AND agoraphobia


And that grew to 35,000 followers. And it was just, I’ve never seen so much, like, so much improvement in a person and so much elevation. And to see it in myself was just, I never thought it would be possible.

But yeah, there’s a lot more, but that’s kind of how much I’ve got at the moment.


Kai Clifford:

It’s amazing. And I remember looking at your Instagram when we first met and you had 350 followers, which, you know, fantastic. And you’d already poured so much loving energy into it.

You’re already showing your beautiful designs in nature, very whimsical, very beautiful. And then we started working on like the, I guess the guilt and the fears and beliefs you had around not finishing things and therefore not being good enough. And so just all these fears of being seen and so many like inner intricate feelings.

And then all of a sudden you messaged me one day and you went, Kai, my Instagram just blew up to 11,000 and I didn’t get your message until like, I think the next day. And by that time it had gone up to something like 22,000. And then by the time the first three or four months together was over, it went up to 27,000.

And now, yeah, you’re in the 30,000s.



Yeah, it was quite a growth. And it was just such a quick turnaround from start to finish in a matter of months, how much I grew and was able to shift my mindset to accept that new reality. It was just incredible.


Kai Clifford:

And the funny thing is, is like so many people, it’s so easy. Like we want these like big results, like the Instagram following and things like that. So people would go through all these things to try to get them, but we weren’t even focused on that at all.

We didn’t even talk about it. Actually, we talked about everything else like fears of being seen, any guilts and all the other little things about self-worth and visibility stuff. And then boom.

And not only do you have followers, they’re actually engaged. I see it. They love, I mean, your account is beautiful.

What is your ID? What is your account name? AuroraFaye_

AuroraFaye_ Yeah. Yeah, it’s absolutely beautiful.

And it was just like the cherry on top. And now I love that you’ve got a new problem now, which is that now you have too many orders in your business and feel a bit overwhelmed about how to do it, which whereas before when we started, what was your business like before?



It was basically non-existent. I had just started creating this Instagram page to be able to eventually promote my products and just the by-product of our work and having it grow, it just gave me such a great platform to jump off of and launch my business. And it was just fantastic.

And now I am absolutely drowning in orders.


Kai Clifford:

It’s a much better problem to have though, isn’t it?



Oh yeah.


Kai Clifford:

And now we just work on now the next level of fears and then you elevate your personality yet again to be able to handle it, to be able to hold it. And so yeah, this is just that next level of work to do. Yeah, for sure.

Since we’re on a roll, what else? There was also, yeah, the big one for me was that you had agoraphobia and you felt unsafe to leave your mom and sisters because you live at home with them. And you always had this irrational fear that something really bad would happen.

So we had to do quite a few sessions working through that. And so then what was the change from before and after?



The change is, it was life-changing, the change, completely. I never thought that that would ever be fixed. I had always had this anxiety of if I stayed away for a night away from home, away from my family, something awful would happen, either to me or to them.

And I wouldn’t be close enough to get back to them in time. And that was just like something that was really ingrained. And we ended up doing some past life work on it.

And oh, it made so much sense. It made so much sense to the fact that I was able to unpick it and understand it. And now I’ve been to Italy for a few, like for a long weekend.

That was amazing. Went to Tuscany and Florence and it was beautiful. And now I’m house sitting in this gorgeous barn conversion for my sister while she’s away.

And it’s just me and the cat. I love that.


Kai Clifford:

And beforehand, you could hardly even leave at all.



I couldn’t, no, I was just stuck. I couldn’t even go on sleepovers as a kid. My first ever sleepover I tried to do, I had panic attack and was up all night with their parents and managed, I didn’t sleep at all throughout that night because I was just so panicked.

And this was when I was probably about six. And every single time I tried to do a sleepover, the same thing would happen over and over again. I’d just have a panic attack, think I was getting ill or be worried about my parents.

And I’d just have such a attachment anxiety and fear of being away from home. It just, it completely ruined parts of my childhood to be honest. I didn’t get to have the experiences that other kids did like trips away with school overnight.

Never did any of those because I just could not, like I would just be disruptive and I couldn’t deal with the anxiety that came up every time I went away. So yeah, I missed out on a lot, but with your work I can now do adult things as an adult. I can enjoy adult things.

I can go traveling. I can be away and be by myself as well and feel safe in my own body and not have to worry so much because you taught me how to trust.


Kai Clifford:

Yeah. And that was one of the biggest things. Before I hit record, one of the first things that you said was that you were so depressed that you could hardly move and you were constantly having pains in your body that you just would freak you out.

And you literally came to me telling me that you were convinced that you were about to die. And we had to work through that. So would you just walk, well since we’re recording now, walk everyone through how bad it was before just a bit because you’re bright and shining and people aren’t going to believe that you were ever in the state that you were before now.



You should totally put in the first video consultation we had because that was the turnaround, the difference. I was in a very dark place, the darkest I’ve ever been. And I was scared every single day.

I was just like this, hugging myself because I didn’t even feel safe in my own skin. And I felt like everything was out to get me. And also everything inside me was trying to kill me.

And I felt generally every single day, like I was dying, like something was eating away at me, like a cancer or a heart attack, or maybe a brain tumor. I was just constantly worried with this health anxiety, which I named it. And it got so bad that I was visiting the doctor constantly and I had to refrain from actually calling the doctor every single day because it got so bad that I could not trust anything.

I just wanted him to check and check again and then double check and then triple check. And it just, it got ridiculous. It got so ridiculous.

And I was just, I felt so unsafe and scared. And honestly, I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know if I’d ever get better.

Every single day I’d be like going to my mum, especially with my like attachment issues. I depend on her and she was getting, it was getting a lot for her. Cause I’d go up to her and I’d be like, I think I’ve got this.

I think I’m dying. I think, and I’m shaking in a doorway. I’m shaking like to the point where I feel like I’m going to pass out because I’m so scared that I’ve got this new thing that I think I’ve got.

And I was just a completely different person to who I am right now.


Kai Clifford:

Yeah, people just can’t, they just would not be able to believe the difference. You were like really hunched over, really a shell, really like, you were literally shaking. You were terrified.

It was a whole, but these are very real experiences that people go through. And people can get stuck in this stuff for, I mean, forever really, if they don’t come up on the right way to change it because people think they need to medicate themselves out of this. So I think that’s one thing I’d love to talk about.

What was a shift from thinking that you needed to see an actual doctor to help you with pills or whatever else it was that the doctor could possibly do to then realizing that, wait there, this is all emotional, is outlandish as that can sound for something that sounds so physical. What would you say to people that still just can’t wrap their head around that their physical stuff could be emotional?



You know what? Actually, my doctor was so patient with me that every single time I went in, he would constantly say, this is anxiety. You need to do stuff emotionally.

And he would literally point his head like this and say, emotionally, you need to go to therapy. I was like, yeah, but there’s something wrong. He’s like, yeah, but it’s all being caused in your head.

And it took me a while, but I got there in the end. And instead of going to a therapist, I went to you. And yeah, you helped me unpack every single pain and every single issue.

And we delved deep into every cell of my being really to uncover where this anxiety was coming from and why it was so bad.


Kai Clifford:

And then I think the last session we had, because we uncovered these, the past life one was amazing, we uncovered these things that you just don’t know were there. You wouldn’t even imagine. And the last one we did was this experience that you didn’t, I don’t think you even knew that it was a thing about something that happened to you as a child that made you feel like no one would fight for you and so you weren’t worthy.

And we went and we literally transformed it from this heaviness in your body to the big rainbow prismatic experience where you finally knew you were fully worthy.



Yeah, that was a beautiful expansion. I have struggled a lot with the worthiness wound and understanding that we’re all worthy just as we are, just because we were born. It was quite a hard thing to believe, I guess, because of how many times you’re told, oh, you’re not good at this, you can’t possibly be that, you’re not good enough at this, how could you even think that you’re capable of it?

It’s being told that as a child is debilitating, it can completely stump you. And being able to go back and look at that and be able to communicate with that child version of me and be able to really just rewrite it. And rescue her.

Yeah, it was just wonderful because obviously there’s still different layers to it, but I can feel the difference every single time how the worthiness wound is just slowly healing. And I feel more worthy of receiving things now and being that one.


Kai Clifford:

And I think it was, because I know your business has started picking up by that point, but just after we did that session, you had this immense boost in your business.



Yeah, it was incredible. It was the shift in the mindset that did everything because it just changed the energy around me. The receiving energy was just purified, I suppose, by the healing of the worthiness wound because I felt more worthy of receiving larger orders, more orders, and just being comfortable in my own skin enough to have things.



Kai Clifford:

Just have things. Yeah. I remember because we had to work through issues where you actually thought you didn’t deserve it because you had a pattern of not finishing things.

And I think we worked around helping you feel safe not to always have to finish things and not to judge yourself on the things that you didn’t finish, which then I think allowed you to actually finish things.



Yeah, I was named in the household as so 80% because I never finished anything. I would start a project and then get to about 80% and go, hmm, I don’t really feel like finishing it now. And it would happen with everything.

And I was absolutely terrified of starting anything after that because I’m just 80%. I’m never gonna finish it. What’s the point in starting?

So it was just this over and over again. And it kept getting implemented more into me because of the fact that I was creating that reality because of how I thought it should be. Yeah.

But when we worked on that, I’ve completed so much now. So much, it’s incredible. Just every day I’m completing something and I don’t ever think I’m 80% anymore.

That’s amazing.


Kai Clifford:

I love that. And then I think the next thing that comes to mind is beforehand, the friend group. Beforehand, you didn’t really have any friends and through getting headhunted for that indie film and going to star in that, and you made a group of friends and then you made another friend.

And you just, would you talk about the difference between before and after with that, please? Oh yeah.



Well, I didn’t really have anybody. I had my school friends. And by that point I had one friend from college and my school friends, which I was slowly drifting away from because we didn’t see each other anymore.

So I just had one friend and I barely saw them because I was just too anxious to go outside. And I didn’t feel comfortable with them being in my house. And then after some, well, I think it was only two months in with our work and I got headhunted through my Instagram account by a student filmmaker in my area who wanted me to be basically the co-star in their film.

And I met so many people through that. And honestly, before our work, I would not have even considered saying yes, ever. No.

Even before my anxiety really got bad, I wouldn’t have said yes. It was something I wouldn’t have even considered before. But because we worked on my social anxiety and all my other wounds and feelings of worthiness, I was able to actually go, you know what, I would actually like to do this.

I actually feel like I can communicate with these people and actually forms and friendships. And you know what? I think I can be social and I have the ability to be in a group and be surrounded by complete strangers and do something completely different.

So I did. And it was, I’ve not experienced anything like it, but I definitely would do that a hundred times more. It was so much fun.

And I really, really proved myself that I had completely just shifted. And it was a magical experience. And I also met a few other people, like just through Instagram account, my Instagram account, because I got to work through all of it, build my Instagram account and also have the confidence to meet people in real life off of the internet.

I’ve made so many friends. And those friendships, just fantastic.


Kai Clifford:

I love that. And so what would you say to people who are watching who are like, well, that’s good for her, but my stuff’s different. Like, how would you encourage them to think about trying this work with me?



Honestly, I would never recommend anything other than EFT tapping with you because it’s the most potent work. And it doesn’t matter what is going on in your life. It will elevate you.

And it will shift you in ways that you can even imagine. And I, from the bottom of my heart, I cannot get over how much you’ve changed the way that I think and the way that I function. And the way that I can receive.

And it was just, I couldn’t recommend it enough, honestly. It’s, you’ve shown me so many ways of living that are different to how I used to be. And it’s been a magical journey.

And I’m so glad I got to do it with you because you are so bubbly and excited and enthusiastic and caring. And you just make me feel so safe. And you’re just a best friend.

You’re so supportive and loving. And honestly, anyone would be silly not to work with you. Thank you.

You'll Get One Weekly Group Deep Dive Session & A Bite Sized Daily Morning Video To Set Yourself Up (Evening Is OK Too)

Each week, you will discover the blocks and limitations that slow you down, stress you out, and/or keep you going in a loop..

You will learn how to know if your goal or desire secretly doesn’t feel safe!

So key!!!!!!!

And you will transform and purify this part of you so each day you start the day empowered, actually feeling safe, confident, trusting and ready to go get ’em!

Or if its a rest and loved ones day, you’ll be able to be present without overthinking about everything that has to be done

As long as you work my somatic subconscious reprogramming method, it will work for you.

Become Time Rich As You Change Your Inner Expectations!

Time runs through man…

This is why sometimes a minute feels like an hour, and an hour goes by in the blink of an eye…

More so, you have a set perception of time.

Some people are constantly worried about time, and it shows!

To create more time, you have to go within and change the programs that believe that your goals take X amount of time + Release the fears and worries about time and life…


If you use time as an excuse, its like you’re saying you are ok living the rest of your life running out of time for the things you life.

What if you took a stand now so you could free up years and literally decades of time?!

I know that’s a bold claim…

But my methods heal things like anxiety in ways that are meant to take decades or be impossible in the mainstream…

For some you’ll have radical, near unbelievable shifts in your moods and life..


Everyone will experience big healings and manifestations during the program AND after, as it continues to work, since you’ve changed your beliefs and point of attraction…

You’ll continue to show up more powerfully, and you’ll make uplevelled decisions, which will produce many positive consequences through the people you meet and things you do

although you’re learning the method here so you can continue to transform the negative parts of you over time - because just like learning a new language, or becoming an expert martial artist - it does take time and skill to reprogram your thinking…

That’s why doing this with me is a no brainer if you want to cut down the learning curve and create more time in your life

It took Me Over A Decade To Become So Highly Skilled - If You Want To Save And Create More Time - Then Learning From Me Will Quantum Leap You!

Just like learning the violin, or open heart surgery - there is quite a learning curve with this work. Because your thoughts are so convinced that they’re right - it can be near impossible to see through the veil by yourself…

And then learning how to dissolve and reprogram them - its so counter intuitive, because you have to do the exact opposite of what you naturally do now (all humans do repress emotions and memories from childhood, so I know this for sure)

I will guide you through the hidden layers of your unconscious mind to find, face and metamorphosize your sub-personalities and protection mechanisms (aka self sabotage, pain, resistance or overwhelm).

The feeling of freedom will open up vistas of brilliance within you, allowing you to access your genius and tap into Divine Guidance in ways that uplevel your business and the ease in which you run it…

Your relationships will harmonize as you come from deeper compassion and depths of wisdom you now have access to because you take the lessons from the pain that has been stored and frozen in your body for decades and lifetimes….

Your negative patterns will become clear - AND you will be able to feel Love for these parts of yourself like you never have before, which means these parts of you no longer hide or feel insecure. They no longer feel aggressive or resistant.

You will come into your power, which means creativity, making money, being loving, being strong, and opening your heart to your desires becomes like second nature.

Transforming The Energies of:

Fear Into

Safety & Love

Guilt Into

Trust & Motivation

Shame Into

Confidence & Boldness

Resistance Into

Allowing & Intuition

Powerless Into

Powerful & Brilliant

Unworthy Into

Self Approval & Magnetism

Obstruction Into

Triumphant & Certainty


As this will be an early bird program - this is the only time you can get over £500 Discounted When You Join Before Christmas 2024

Click the button below and get your spot now