This is a powerful masterclass workshop that every leader, entrepreneur, spiritual seeker and truth seer genuinely needs to DO, because we are the dreamers and the shakers of the World, so we MUST get control of our own thinking because our choices really do matter in the grand scheme of The World (Hello ripple effect!)
Having healed myself from PTSD that made me hyper senstive, triggered me constantly and made me lash out, plus the social anxiety that made me abrasive and go into panic attacks at times, I know what it takes to heal the so called impossible.
You get my 20 years experience from my healing journey boiled it down to this potent training, so you can learn from experiences and tried and tested methods that really work, often when nothing else doesnt.
If you would like to gift a copy to a friend sign up for 2+ below and hit reply to your welcome email to let me know where to send it.
At the end of Retrain Your Inner Mean Girl Voice you will be empowered to take the right actions so you stop procrastonating OR over working yourself into overwhelm and/or exhaustion. You will know HOW to talk back your negative thoughts in a way that actually works, and you will be motivated to show up for your future self like never before!
I could easily charge $500 for a training like this…
But I have kept it easy and affordable for you…
So you can say yes, get instant and jump in…
And begin taking control of your life now!

What Participants of Retrain Your Inner Mean Girl Voice had to say:
“That was Definitely Magical!” ~ Katharine
“The course is so good!! I’ve really struggled with negative self talk and have such a hard time changing it. The framework learned in the course has been so helpful. Thank you Kai Ashley!” ~ Trish
“I jumped on this course immediately. I always have amazing results with all of Kais Programs. I’ve been spending so much time planning goals etc. wasting so much time in planning instead of doing. Now I can trust myself to know what I need to do, not what every one says you need to do. Seriously $77 is such a small investment for yourself.“ ~ Dianne
“That was sooooo amaaazing. Thank you sooo much.
Can’t wait to go back over it in the replay! ” ~ Kylie
As a special treat for joinining Retrain Your Inner Mean Girl Voice, not only do you get this phenomenal Masterclass Workshop, which could easily be sold for $500 for something of this calibre, but you ALSO get FOUR extra bonuses to support you in your journey.
Each of these bonuses has been chosen to empower you in your healing and success journey, so you can get control of your thinking and therefore LIFE!
Easy to say yes to, massive value at easily 10 times the price, I have kept this affordable because I always give massive value, and honestly, I believe that many of my Divine Right clients will Love this so much, they will want to work with me at a higher level - but of course, that is totally up to you!
Only $77 USD one time payment.
Having healed myself naturally from a laundry list of issues, I know what it takes to heal!
It took me years to retrain my inner mean girl voice and get out of the PTSD that plagued me from daily bullying at school and abuse at home growing up. The social anxiety I had would send me into panic attacks just talking to people at times and I was often seen as abrasive and rude, all due to my fear of people.
Plus I healed myself naturally from chronic fatigue and a chronic lung disease that almost killed me!
I mention the illnesses because our thoughts can trigger our body to make us more sick, or heal our body to make us healthy. And while we don’t specifically cover health in this one (I offer healing back, body, joint, sciatica and physical pain in my Body Free Bootcamp For Natural Pain Relief Series)
This potent Masterclass Workshop will take you in the right direction to get control of your thoughts, no matter what is happening in your life.
This is why I am so sincerely passionate about sharing this with amazing leaders, entrepreneurs, spiritual seekers and truth seers around The World, because we need to empower ourselves with the ability to THRIVE now more than ever!
So I invite you to jump in now, and begin the work asap while it is still at the top of your mind.
Sign up now for life changing access:
Extra Bonuses Included
On Top of The 3 Hour Masterclass Workshop!
You get the Breathwork Tapping excerpt, so you
can easily find and repeat as often as you like, AND: