Welcome to the Relationship Make-Over Summit!
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Sarah Ashley Wheeler shares a beautiful healing method to shift your energy and uplevel you in your business and personal life - as we all know being a great partner is loving our own lives…
So this will help you round out your character and happiness levels, which will help you to have better relationships!
You will learn:
- A unique take on the inner child so you can heal in high vibe way!
- How to tap into your higher future timeline and manifest from that place!
- They key to feeling positive emotions in your body
- Your own unique blueprint for manifesting that’s different to everyone elses!
You will love Ana T Brooks words of wisdom in episode 4 where we talk about the importance of creating an empowering and positive self concept aka your identity and how you see yourself.
You will learn:
- The importance of a self concept How to get out of a funk and change your life so good things happen and change in your life too!
- The importance of not settling
- What does settling actually look like?
- How to walk forward in trust when making big relationship choices
Leah Marie
In this must see episode 3 for anyone going through divorce or wondering if it’s time to end the relationship,
You will learn:
- How to KNOW when it’s time to move on so you don’t stay stuck in an unfulfilling relationship for years or forever
- The ingredients of a great relationship and how to know if your marriage / partnership is worth fighting for
- How to deal with a broken heart during and after a break up
- What you need in yourself to attract a better relationship and why its easy to attract another painful relationship - and what to do instead And so much more!
Marli Ansel
Episode 2 will drop you iinto trust so you KNOW that your relationships get to be different than they were in the past. You’ll learn:
- That cycles can be broken and overcome no matter what’s happened in the past
- A great affirmation/phrase you can use so you stop allowing abuse or poor behaviour in your relationships
- What detachment really is
- The big thing that you think that determines how you are perceived and how you behave in life
Rachel Kalb
Kicking of the series with a great discussion especially for the single ladies watching - but this great for our married women too - You’ll learn:
- A great communication tip that brings you closer to your man so he listens and wants to meet your needs!
- Plus a practice to open your heart to become a powerful and magnetic manifestor!
- The key to loving being single
- How to stop thinking about time and detach
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Watch this video to discover an entire library of personality changing, reality shifting energy alchemy sessions and heart opening mindset teachings, along with the 4 steps of communication to always get your needs met!
Create strong boundaries and stop people pleasing- this is NO just information but with an energy alchemy that shifts your personality so you feel safe to stop people pleasing and be your real authentic self!
Watch this sneak peak video to see whats inside then scroll down to read more and sign up!
You are ready to have the most EPIC Love.. and to improve your relationship and communications skills - yes?
You KNOW life is about the ever growing journey of self discovery, creating and giving to the world, plus receiving and growing in ALL areas of your life…
And that’s what my potent breathwork tapping and heart opening mindset and communication processes do for you - when you work on one area of your life - it intensifies the positive results in every area too!
So if you’re ready to you can transmute hidden fears into confidence, joy, motivation, ease, freedom and LIGHT….
And if you’re on a spirit / God / Higher Self Led Journey to become more loving and more giving without depleting yourself with people pleasing and leaky boundaries - then my work will hit your sweet spots in ways you just can not imagine.
Like my clients who experience a vast array of changes, from healing relationships on the brink of divorce, to going from being in unlucky in love to being married with a doting husband and beautiful baby…
Clients saying no to toxic relationships and ending it instead of staying because they let go of the fear of being alone and started valuing themselves!
When you actually DO the work inside on a consistent basis - it’s impossible NOT to uplevel your reality.
I take you within and change your beliefs on a feeling level, so old conditioning just isn’t there anymore - you naturally act and think differently in ways that feel so second nature since the change, you forget you ever let people cross your boundaries and drain you!
This is why I created my Romantic Love Journey - you will transform your relationships so you speak LIFE into your man, so you actually FEEL more loving instead of secretly triggered and judging or clinging.
This is a bonafide library of transformational information that genuinely changes you into the real you. Build your character and become the dynamic, interesting, Loving and compassionate women your man desires and deserves.
Get a 50% discount here only for the duration of the Relationship Make-Over Summit
Sign up for lifetime access now - then message Kai Clifford to celebrate!