Every Problem Is A Portal.
And this is your gateway to infinite opportunities…

Calling all rabblerousers who are here to make the World a better place!
If you’re a successful business superstar who does NOT follow the norm, sees through the lies and DEMANDS to live life on your terms - then this is the community for you!
Inside this World, you will get potent inner work methods to support and guide you on your spiritual success journey… You are about to discover how to tap into opportunities so NO problem can defeat you….
And yes you demand money and success - but you are no longer willing to exchange your life and peace of mind for it… In fact by NOW you’ve realized and experienced that the more you show up in a relaxed state, the more money you make!
By now you’ve seen that the less you try to control the people you Love, the more they flourish and the better they do!
If this sounds like you now (or your next level self soon) then you will Love the inner work inside.
This is all about creating your life from ease and flow - while being able to do the hard stuff your soul wants you to do, while saying NO to anything that is not aligned and actually serving you!
Create from a place of power with God / The Divine on your side! Discover the millionaire mindset that spiritual leaders have used to transcend their problems and create abundance, joy, ease and grace. This work essentially makes you ‘lucky’!
Limited Special: Buy One Theme, Get One FREE - You get to choose!
Doing my offerings as part of your regular life will open you up to opportunities!
Usually my clients pay thousands to have me as their ongoing 1:1 healer and coach..
But I am here to make an impact on a massive level…
And even though yes, the ripple effect is amazing! Many of my clients are leaders, creators and coaches who make a massive impact in their lives, amplified by the power of my work…
I am making this space available to YOU…
You who knows you are meant for more…
You who is smart enough to do the inner work AND the outer work
You is wise enough to know the journey never ends so you will keep showing up even when it gets hard and you won’t be silly enough to think you can’t learn anymore or be anymore
We are meant to be continually growing, aren’t we!?
But the trick is…
(And this is why I believe with all my heart you need to join us and DOOO the transformational processes inside)
The trick is that when you try so hard to grow and get THERE, you are pushing away the good that is already here for you…
This is why LoA has mixed results…
Why it feels your prayers go unanswered..
Or your intentions just fall flat…
Its because this inner work game is complex.
The ANSWER is easy
But your mind makes it so complex.
PLUS your mind makes you think you are being positive and supportive..
When in fact it is actually sabotaging you by focusing on the problem
So what can you do instead?
You MUST 100% absolutely for sure…
Get a handle on your Emotional Guidance System
This is your decision making process direct from God (Or The Divine if you prefer)…
This is your connection to that voice of Love within (or The Holy Spirit if that’s your vibe)…
This is your ability to use your body as a portal so you extract yourself from the problem and tap into opportunities every single time.
And that’s what I’m here to do for you, with you and at times to you! lol
I am here to activate you!
Wake you up to your true power which is within you now
And yes we HEAL and we grow
BUT NO… We don’t fix you because you are NOT broken
Instead I return you to the truth of who you really are already
The only thing that stops you is how you THINK!
You think its hard…
So your body reacts to this and makes it hard
You think you can’t rest because…. (fill in the blank)
So your body reacts and clutters your time AND your body (hello anxiety!)
You think you have to prove yourself…
So it’s reflected back to you, with people not believing in you and making you prove yourself!
Haven’t you had enough of that?!
If you are ready to discover profound truths that have PRACTICAL steps you can follow in your daily life then you must join now while its fresh.. IF you know this is your time and you are done making excuses about what hasn’t worked before…
Then I believe you are here for a reason. I believe you landed on this page guided by God, by The Infinite because people really are guided to my work right when they are ready for ultimate transformation.
And no, this isn’t a quick fix necessarily.
This is about ongoing support to help you through your daily problems
So you stop seeing them as problems and create opportunities, ease and flow instead!
This is a monthly membership.
A brand new creation of mine…
So right now you get a type of VIP experience in the private group
With potent videos, audios, exercises and journaling prompts in the members area…
You can dive in right away!
I invite you to put your hand on your HEART…
And breathe into the area…
So you can find out for sure if this is for you
Does your heart want you to take the leap of faith and join us?
Your heart is ALWAYS the answers…
Go deeper into your body
The answer wont come from your head
You will literally hear your words and see your images IN your heart space…
This is the type of thing you’ll be learning to do within…
So by now you know if this is for you or not..
I am so excited to see you inside.
Please feel free to DM me to celebrate, or post in the group because I LOVE getting to know my community. After all I am here to empower you, so to do that it helps to actually know you lol!
Sneak Peak At Content Inside!
Inside May’s Hustle and Flow Made Easy
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Who Is Kai D Clifford?
Hi, I’m Kai D Clifford, formerly known as Kai Ashley. I am a leader and subconscious healer who works with high level leaders ready to reprogram their subconscious and expand their capacity for success, happiness, joy and health on a continual basis.
I am incredibly passionate about spreading the good word on how truly profound healing is possible!
Because growing up, I had a constant string of negative experiences since the womb. I developed PTSD, anxiety , depression and chronic diseases that I got to heal myself naturally from…
Which is why I am on a mission to teach this healing to as many people as possible!

Using my unique Heart and Soul Freedom Technique: a combination of many potent processes I’ve used myself, developed upon and intuitively tapped into, over my 12 years of experience of working with thousands of amazing people across the globe…
I teach and guide my clients through my unique, proven to work process to transform their emotional, mental, spiritual and PHYSICAL states, which draws in incredible opportunities, ideas and energy for positive action that makes an impact!
I teach you how to rewire your thinking patterns. We reset your vagus nerve/release built up cortisol/emotional toxins that cause dis-ease… As you heal the actual energy BLOCKS aka trauma, and how you feel about yourself and The World - you naturally become more prosperous, successful, happy, and guided by Love!
This is what I am here on this Earth to do.

At one of my workshops in Bali
How I Met My Husband
Originally from Australia, I now live in The UK with my gorgeous Cockney English husband.
I call him my A-Dean-is (for Adonis, because he has a ripped body and his name is Dean lol).
We met on a Paradise Beach in Thailand and it was pretty much Love at first sight.
The moment he saw me, he was shocked because he had just put out a decision that he was ready to settle down with a wife who was bubbly, stubborn, strong, funny, gorgeous and whatever else he said lol.. And there I was bouncing around down on the dance floor.
He said to himself: That’s my wife!
And our love story began there.
We’ve been together through many ups and downs - especially near the beginning when we went through a financial trauma together due to a terrible business decision we made that left us with absolutely NOTHING.
Even though things were strained for a few years, we worked through it, had each others back and stuck together (when we really could have split). But instead we grew stronger, closer, and over the years have fallen back in Love.
I can’t wait to share my World with you.
And as an FYI in my 1:1 work I heal also chronic pain and illness as part of your success journey…
I’ve saved clients from hysterectomies, back surgery, knee surgery and so much more - because we are energy beings - our emotions like guilt, anger, shame and anxiety stagnate and turn into physical pain.
So if you are interested in uplevelling in all areas of your business, body and life plus, healing your relationships with yourself, The Divine, money, people, healing PTSD, cranky moods, overwhelm, fears, phobias AND/OR healing physical stuff the doctors say can not be fixed, then apply to work with me privately, one to one.
We can either get on the phone to chat, or most people simply sign up for my initial 1:1 session.
If we are a great match I’ll invite you to come on a 3 month to 2 year healing journey with me.
But never any pressure because this work is like learning a new language or going to the gym to lose 50 pounds - you’ve gotta be ready because rewiring the human nervous system and psyche, of course it takes work! But each session is an incredible experience that heals and uplifts you indescribable ways.
I love hearing how my work helps you - so please reach out or comment somewhere when my work impacts you because it truly makes my day!