Stop trying to control so much…
Did you know that every time you rush forward to the future, trying to figure out the HOW – you are trying to control something you can not control?
Did you know that every time you to go against what YOU truly desire to please another person – you are trying to control their perception of you so they will still act how you want them too?
Did you know that every time you stress, worry, freak out and feel overwhelmed – you are trying to control things that are literally impossible to control?
That is a lower form of thinking.
It is old, outdated and full of holes.
Because the ONLY two things you can control are YOURSELF and what you choose to DO with this now moment, right here, right now.
That. Is. It.
Yet you are running off to the future, worrying about what could go wrong..
But like I said to a client of mine in a session today:
Tom Cruise in mission impossible, when he jumps from one building’s roof to another – he isn’t thinking about going splat on the floor far below. He isn’t thinking about the ambulance that could come and what might happen, and what the paramedics name might be – is he? NOOOO.
He is thinking of one thing: landing on the other side.
Full stop.
And this is so important in your life.
If only you would just do one thing at a time and allow yourself to enjoy it without rushing off to the future… Or at the very least disconnect from the it’s hard and oh poor me thoughts that keep roaming through your head terrorizing you.
Because it is ALLLLLL in your head, my Darling.
All of it.
When you realize that you don’t need to fight against bad people…
You don’t need to vanquish evil in the world
You don’t need to worry about what other people think…
And you LEARN how to FEEL worthy, deserving just as you are…
AND you use what you have actually available to move forward..
AND you stop telling yourself stories about why you can’t, and what could happen next…
Then you become FREE.
So please…
Let. It. Go.
The only thing you can control is yourself.
So focus on yourself, not your husband or your partner or the people in your comments.
Just YOU.
The End.
Want help?
This is a call out for the spiritual hearted entrepreneurs, leaders and luminaries ready to take the world by storm.
You know you are meant for more – you see how much you’ve grown.
You know the power of inner work to get outer results – but you still can see that insecurity inside of you that is less than before – but still way more than you’d like it to be…
Join me in my new 5 week journey called, WORTHY.
This program has cutting edge techniques that took me 20 years to learn – with the last 10 years in intensive energy work, helping thousands of people around The World heal and reprogram themselves on profound levels…
Worthy is all about finding those parts of you that think you NEED something outside of yourself to be happy or prove that you are worthy.
And this is the MOST important work anyone can do
Because society has normalized this pathology – we think we are meant to pove ourselves.
We think having money, status, relationsips makes us better and worthy.
We judge how good we feel by how many likes our posts get, or whether the guy liked us or not…
We feel bad about ourselves when we fail – no matter how positive we really are..
Society has made us all feel like we are NOT enough
And you know whats awful about this?
It puts us in this trauma loop that pushes what we want AWAY
People are soooo soooo SO much more traumatized when they realize,
Trauma is just trapped negative emotion with an opinion
So when you were young you decided you couldn’t be happy and successful UNLESS…
What is it for you?
Well we are going right into the lions den…
Right into the big bad block that is altering your behavior and taking you away fromy our true self and the best life you could be living…
And we are using my potent, proven to work Heart and Soul Freedom Energy Technique to transform your inner World. Not many people know these 5D Thinking Sets you will get to learn from me.
I will be sharing what’s worked for me, as Im also downloading and going through the program myself.
Because this has been a MASSIVE part of my journey..
Having had PTSD, being bullied every day of my childhood, being abandoned, growing up in a drug house the first few years of my life with confused criminal teenage parents… Feeling like a victim most of my life.. Even being told by the doctor I would have to take her pills always because I would be sick forever (so I fired her and went home and healed myself naturally within 8 months)…
This feeling unworthy issue has plagued me on and off through my life.
You see, we heal in SPIRALS.
So even though I massively healed and released chunks of the unworthy wound, along with healing my PTSD completely btw 😀 We all spiral up to new levels and new layers….
So even if you think you’ve done this work before
1st you haven’t done MY work with me in THIS program
and 2,d you’ve got more to do. If you think you don’t have more to do than that just says how disconnected you are from your wounding.
I know people don’t like to hear that- but even the most balanced successful people i’ve worked with, even from a great family – have these types of wounds that bury themselves deep in your body and energy system
And I am one of the handful of people on this planet who really knows HOW to dissolve this STUFF in your body and energy body.
This is 5 weeks.
Powerful teachings, my unique breathwork tapping
Transformational homework
A private Facebook group with me as your coach for a little over the 5 weeks…
And a planet load of Life-Altering transformation
When you show up and DOOO the work – you will get your LIFE FORCE BACK
Increases in energy are normal with my work
It opens you up to your brilliance
Gets you out over overwhelm and resistance
Taps you into your Soul and The Voice of Love called God // The Divine…
Helps you take action that gets results
Grows your audience
Sign more clients
This work even heals your body physically too.
Usually that takes more direct work
But one of my clients who tapped solely on money and worthiness with me for a few months one day had her ASTHMA heal spontaneously from our sessions
In the middle of a session her lungs went tight then they POPPED.
Now before, she could never hike the beautiful mountains around her home with her husband and kids cos going up a small hill would give her an asthma attack so she had to stay home all those years.
But thanks to her repeteadly showing up and DOOOING the work I gave her – she healed physically. She said when her lungs went pop – for the first time in her life she could take a DEEP BREATH. And since then her lungs have breathed easy.
Now, if you want to specifically work on your physcial stuff from lungs to back pan (even sciatica yes) to womb issues to fibromyalgia to foot pain etc… You might want to look into private work with me. Right now I am taking on case studies in exchange for discounted sessions for people who want to heal their pain naturally – so feel free to hit reply and ask me about healing for physical pain.
Doing that along side this program would be amazing btw.
So this work truly is a miracle and a blessing.
When you are ready to change, the teacher will appear.
I find God // The Divine brings people to me at the right time.
Right when they are ready to change in a big way…
Often after having tried so many things…
They find ME… And for those who DOOO the work lol, amazing Life-Altering shifts happen inside and out. And that is why I am so excited to share this 5 week journey with you.
If you know you are ready for more…
And you are done holding yourself back…
Take the leap of faith and join us now.
Secure your spot on the link below
Scroll down, click the button and choose your payment option..
There is gold standard option, which ive spoken of..
And only 2 VIP spots with concurrent sessions and deeper transformational homework plus my personal journaling pages deconstructed for you too.
Both have a payment plan option and discount for paying in full.
Once you’re in, please message / email me so we can celebrate
Kai xo

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