Get ready to own your TRUE SELF as well as the sabotagey parts of you that pop up, making you feel not good enough, not capable enough, not liked enough, not cool enough, not enough ENOUGH….
The WORTHY Journey is 5 weeks of deep transformation - using my near 20 years of experience on my self discovery journey, sharing with you the secret blocks and real reasons behind your self-worth and real world obstacle issues that keep holding you back.
When you have a part of you that doesn’t like yourself, that feels guily, ashamed, worried about the outcome and unable to trust the future completely - things just do NOT work out very well for long - no matter how positive you try to be.
This isn’t about fake positivity.
WORTHY is about going to the core of YOU.

Kai Ashley
What if you actually knew how to listen to those bad feeling feelings that felt like a haze of insecurity -so rather than buying into it, pushing through it with subpar results or distracting yourself from the pain with your cravings and outlets… What if you knew how to actually access these spaces and change them.
This is about emotional fitness, emotional well being,emotional forticiation - rather than being so affected by everyone else’s energy, or holding back for fear of failure - you become STRONG.
You learn how to BREAK THE RULES that do not work for you and create your own that are aligned with your own nature, guided by God // The Divine…
Through this powerful journey you will discover how to flip out of unworthiness. You will get the skills to take action even when you don’t feel like AND to allow yourself to rest and play when your soul wants you to play - even though the rules society says you must follow don’t fit.
The reason I’m so passionate about this is because I am on my own journey of self-discovery.
I have been for so many years.
Having healed PTSD naturally, I know how hard it is to get stuck in triggers.
When the doctor told me I would be sick with chronic fatugue forever so would ALWAYS have to take their pills, i didnt believe her - so I fired her and went home and healed myself within 8 motns. This is before I knew anything about healing
When my life long lung issues turned into a full blown lung disease - again, I healed myself naturally with these same techniques that clear your fear, stress, self-worth issues - yes they work to heal physical pain and illness in powerful ways! As long as you are into inner work sincerrely, so willing to show up and do sessions like a physically fit persoon shows up to the exercise most days… You will experience a profound awakening and disarming of your limiting beleifs.
I cant wait to share this with you.
Because you ARE Worthy.
With my unique EFT Breathwork Tapping Method - The Heart and Soul Freedom Technique - you will process decades and actually lifetimes of trauma that you have no idea is there. If you think you don’t have it, then you are way more detached from the truth of what’s happening within your subconscious mind.
Everyone has trauma. Karma. Ancestral wounds. Attachments. Fears. Worrys. Unworthy issues - but we have become so good at coping, repressing, avoiding and moving on that it can be hard to see the truth. If you don’t feel relaxed, calm and in control of yourself most of the time - And if you can’t stop trying to control others, worry about the future, and always try to know everything in advance - then you have stuff to clear - like we all do.
We begin soon in a private Facebook group with me, Kai Ashley as your Master Healer and Coach.
If you are getting a yes, I invite you to take the leap of Faith - because the truth is when you DO - God // The UNiverse will always catch you.
If you want your life to be different in a year from now then do something different NOW to alter your trajectory.
Join us in WORTHY.
Say yes to your Soul…
Use my potent energy work that is intense, body quaking, uplfting and life-changing and you will feel like a whole new person… Except more like your true confident self than ever before.
Click: The number one thing that holds us all back is that unworthiness wound..
The number one thing that holds us all back is that unworthiness wound..
That deep subconscious wounding that rises up and holds you back.
It makes you doubt yourself…
It makes you NEED approval and recognition to feel good about yourself..
It turns you into a crazy, sad, depressed, angry, desperate AND/OR lonely person who believes if she doesn’t do or HAVE or GET the right things, then she is not worthy.
You may hear thoughts like:
I don’t matter
Nobody cares
Will this really work?
I’m not good enough
No one will like this
What’s the point?
And things like:
I’ll show them!
If only I could have ____ insert your need ___ THEN I can be happy!
Then I will be good enough! Then everyone will know!
It makes you worry things like:”
If I fail then everyone will know…
I feel like a fraud…
What if it doesn’t work…
What if she was right about me…
With all those sorts of thoughts - if you think them and they give you an emotional reaction such as a stomach drop, or tightness, or you feel frozen, anxious, panicked, worried, overwhelmed and more - THEN THEY ARE GETTING THE BETTER OF YOU AND NEED TO BE CLEARED.
and this is where I come in,
I have suffered from this wounding to deep degrees.
Hell, my Moon is in Virgo, if that means anything to you - so Im naturally emotionally analytical - but its part of what makes me such a powerfully meticulous healer
I have discovered some mindset methods so little known they could still be considered a Secret…
On how to DETACH, SURRENDER, DISSOLVE and UNHOOK from the need to prove yourself.
I now know exactly where this wounding comes from and how to unhook it.
This is why I am so excited to guide my next live program:
Worthy is for business owners who want to grow their online audience, thrive in their business AND all of their life.
The methods in this will help you detach from the disappointment you feel in your biz when things aren’t going exactly how you desire - that’s called being an untrusting control freak, and it will never work out to those high HIGH levels you hope until you get over yourself around this.
Worthy is 5 weeks of deep dive subconscious reprogramming.
If there is ONE program you do all year, let it be THIS.
My intention here is to unhook you from the pain of feeling like you’re not enough
So you stop putting yout desires on this far up pedestal and start normalizing them and trusting and believing that this is absolutely happening!
And on the deepest levels because this is working on your energy body - the atomic field - your actual subconscious prgorams, clearing karma, generational wounding, upgrading your DNA
This work is truly powerful.
Gold Standard level is only $455 USD
Or 3 payments of $175
VIP is one payment of $2,222
Or two payments 1,222
You’ll notice you get a discount for paying in full,
If you know you’re a VIP and you Love epic results fast - then jump in and grab your spot now, where you will receive a weekly private session with me as the program goes along, with tailored bespoke audios and videos created for you specifically along the way!
You will also get a select view of my journaling pages, deconstructed to show you my reasoning and how I walk myself up into a powerful place of self assurance - and what has worked for me in my darkest hours too.
And as my VIP, if you pay in full, you ALSO get access to my Trust Your Way Into Alignment Program, Valued at $1,400 - you will get this for free, with instant access. This is such an incredible program, you would be crazy not to jump on this immediately.
Students / Clients who do my work report a new found sense of TRUST, more than ever before that guides their decisions with Faith and ‘Good-Fortune’.
Because when you know how to use these 5D Thinking Sets - you truly are guided by The Divine, protected and provided for.
So which level sounds right for YOU?
Don’t let the fact you’ve done other programs stop you from investing.
Money comes and money flows.
You got what you need from all of your past programs - whether a great training or an expensive lesson…
Now let the past be the past.
And get ready to step forward into your new and improved self - which is an INSIDE JOB.
That is what I am here to help you do.
Can’t wait to see who is in!
Hit the button below to select which level and payment option is best for you!
With Love
Kai xo
What will we be covering in WORTHY?
Because this program is a type of live performance art downloaded from Soul as we go - the modules are subject to change. I always trust what comes through in THE moment as opposed to any plan I ever made. So the modules below are my ideas of what will happen but they are subject to change if I am guided to improve upon it in the moment.
Module 1: Discover Your Secret Sabotage That Could Hide From You Forever
We all have repressed parts of ourselves due to the nature of being socialized as a child. In module 1 you will create a connection to the repressed subconscious part of you that secretly does not believe in what you want and is actively trying to sabotage you through cravings, feeling bad, checking out, overworking, distracting, fearing, doubting, worrying, and more.
You wil get crystal clear on the REAL thoughts you’ve been having that are so hard to access, especially since we have been taught to bypass our deep feelings and try and be positive. But that never works unless you listen to and speak with these parts of you.
This will bring you into a special relationship with yourself like never before
You will learn self talk methods
How to observe thoughts and let them go
How to actually hear these parts of you when its cloudy or confusing
How to get out of your own way and drop into your Soul’s truth within
AND importantly, you will learn the REAL reason why people feel unworthy and how you can flip into worthiness at any moment.
The Master Key Energy Work:
Not only will you learn this valuable information and be transformed just by seeing it differently – each week we will have a potent energy shifting session to reprogram your thinking and nervous system so you can raise your vibration with these 5D Thinking-Sets
You will work on all of the fears you discovered and they will begin to transform in profound and powerful ways, leaving you literally a different person – but more your confident self than ever before!
Likely week 1 will be a family and inner child session to release the deep seated tribal programming you got growing up so you can free yourself from who you were told you had to be, and open up to your true Divine nature.
Module 2: Break The Rules & Create Your Own From Soul So You Drop Into Your Natural State of Flow More of The Time
The number one problem most people have are the rules society has forced upon them. You have been programmed to believe there is only one way to be successful, only one way to be good and that you can mess it up.
What if you couldn’t mess it up?
What if the way to be truly successful was to break the rules that don’t feel right for you and create your own? This is what we will be doing in this module
You will be shocked at some of the rules you’re holding onto that just seem NORMAL and how it is. They seem set in stone and unchangeable. But they feel bad, don’t work for you, make you stress, worry and take you off your Soul Aligned path.
This module is all about freeing yourself from you think you have to be – because that leads to self-judgment, low self-esteem, low self-worth, low self-respect, people pleasing, energy draining – especially if you’re an empath.. and more!
Get training on how to stop being affected by other people’s energy so you become fortified with an inner strength made of gold. This means maintaining your vibrational frequency will become easier so life stops being such a rollercoaster of up and down emotions.
Feel Great-Full for real with a fun and playful exercise that puts you in the energy of receiving!
The Master Key Energy Work:
This module’s session will likely be a DEEP CLEAN with my unique emotional alchemy method that cleanses the very real emotional toxins (like cortisol and trauma) that get stuck in your body. You will reset your system so you have a brand new and refreshed energy. With your new way of seeing the World you will leave this session EXCITED to start taking action on things that are important to you AND you will also have brand new permission that you FEEL in your body to relax and trust yourself when you need to rest and desire to enjoy yourself.
This is essential for a truly successful life because if you create a life from stress - when you get whereever you think you’re going it will JUST be stressful. So when you create a life from ease and flow the outcome will be more ease and flow. This is a Law of The Universe so doing this session will free your future to be incredible compared to if you did not to this work.
Module 3: Deepen Your Relationship with God // The Divine // A Loving Higher Power // Your HeartMind So You Always Know & TRUST The Answers That Come From Within You
Discover how all of the answers actually live within you.
Learn how to pray / make intentions: How to ask and listen not from a begging place from from a faithful place of strength that actually gets results aka how to manifest / pray / make intentions and be answered
The true meaning of surrender and how applying it to your life is the most wonderful and uplifting thing ever.
The Thought-Sets that are necessary to change your thinking to that of success. These Thought-Keys are sort of like affirmations but on steroids. These are specific phrases and ways to look at the world that when you believe and agree with them, everything becomes easier in your life to an astronomical degree.
As you learn and integrate these Thought-Keys during and after the program (they are meant to be repeated until they sink into your subconscious mind) you will naturally become luckier. Remember luck is a real thing but its not random. It comes from having the right attitude of belief – embody these keys and you will become more charmed than ever before
Get the most important teaching of all: How to use your in built Emotional Guidance System that literally works like a GPS so you know which thoughts to think, and which thoughts to drop like a hot potato. Trusting in your Emotional Guidance System is absolutely essential to get out of the old way of thinking that causes you to feel unworthy and not good enough so you can flourish in your business, relationships, health and all of LIFE.
The Master Key Energy Work:
I’m curious to see what will come through for this session! It could be a look at God Trauma - for people who either feel betrayed by God not being there, or for those who grew up atheist who are embarrassed by the idea of God and feel alone in the world like you have to do it all yourself. If we go down this path you will tap into some pretty epic stuff that directly relate to your relationships and how people show up for you.
Transforming your relationships and faith in The Divine will have far reaching effects on your relationships and how you show up in The World! Of course the session will be personalized to those who are live (and those who participate in the group) so it may be different depending upon your specific needs.
Module 4: Take Worthy Risks & Overcome Resistance Even When You Don’t FEEL Like Moving Forward
Get the goss on how you are meant to know the how without stressing and pre-planning in advance. Discover how to use this in your life so you become mindfully living in the moment, which is where all of your power lives.
How to know the difference between the fear that is trying to stop you from what you are meant to be doing and the guidance that says not to do a thing. This will help you get clear on what is just resistance to get over and move through anyway and the wrong direction and pathway you might try to force yourself to go down (and have many times before)
Redefine your view on failure, mistakes, risk and more. See life differently so you stop holding yourself back and start believing that you actually DO know what to do and how to do it
Heal Goal Trauma, which causes a type of depression aka unforgiveness, so you can reset your energy system and tap into the ideal version of you, leaving the past behind. This is a repeatable process you’ll be able to use over and over again through your life, any time you feel doubtful or worried about what to do
The Master Key Energy Work:
Likely this will be an ancestral healing, karmic release and cord cutting session - freeing you from the bonds of who you think you have to be to be loved. Healing the very real wounding that was passed down to you through generations, while also collecting and receiving the wisdom of your ancestors too. These types of sessions are other wordly, very powerful and students often report psychic experiences where they talk to their ancestors or get messages and realizations pop into their minds!
Module 5: Get Control of Your Monkey Mind With Spiritual Athletics So Your Mind Stops Overthinking, Stressing and Worrying Negative Things Into Existance
Get control of your monkey mind so you stop overthinking yourself into stress and overwhelm
Discover how to take action from now so you are guided by your Soul and the version of you who is ALREADY worthy. This lines you up with your ideal self and causes great things to happen.
Play a mind-game: Participate in Kai Ashley’s unique Spiritual Athletics Training – where you will train your mind to be on your side, and to your servant instead of your master, and do it in a really fun way. This will be an exercise you’ll be able to repeat on your own forever to come.
Drop deeper into TRUST as Kai riffs on how you can feel trust in practical ways that actually work step by step, instead of some big concept that isn’t clear how to do. You will be given actual exercises that get you into trust so you can leave this program with a new skill set – literally the most important skill for success ever is to trust and believe even without proof.
The Master Key Energy Work:
I’m feeling the theme of this will be surrender and letting go of control. Feeling safe in the world. Trusting that everything will work out - so we will dredge up the secret, hidden parts of you that refuse to trust, that still feel scared and have good reason to. We do not delete the fear - you learn the master key healing method to love these parts of you so they dissolve into that Love and stop scaring you with echoing fear. This will be a high vibe session full of intention setting, decreeing, declaring AND letting go all at the same time.
Each tapping session compounds in a spiritual bank account, so as you have more sessions, the work becomes more and more powerful!
When you join us in this transformative and unique program you can choose from 2 options. Gold Standard Entry OR If you Love intense results faster with guided support, sign up for VIP to have 5 private sessions with Kai alongside the program - there are only TWO spots available so book your spot and message Kai to celebrate xo
How Was The Worthy Wound Created?
We ALL feel this to some degree, don’t we?
What were you told you had to do or BE to be worthy?
What were you made to FEEL when you fell short?
What names did you get called, what looks did you get, how miserable did you feel when you just did NOT measure up?
Did you know the unworthy wound comes from a very specific place?
Ultimately, it begins as a child with our family.
Some of you reading may have had a great childhood so have no idea why you feel unworthy, insecure and scared about life… I’m about to reveal why…
Others reading know full well that childhood was rough so it makes sense why they feel so awful. No matter which end of the spectrum your unworthy complex lives on - it can be healed with a mindset workout schedule to shift the way you think and relate to yourself.
So what’s the goss?
For the first lot, you had such high expectations - you were likely praised for being smart, or fast, and great in some way. You were expected to get high grades and excel - and often you DID.
But this set up this inner fear that you might not actually be so great.
At times you found it so hard to keep up - you secretly knew you weren’t as smart / great etc as they said. Then as you had some failures you became more and more scared of losing that golden boy place as the great one in your parents eyes.
This will be exacerbated if your parents scolded you, became disappointed or gave you the silent treatment of some type. Basically when you didn’t jump through the hoops at the right height - they took their love away from you. No matter how briefly.
This doesn’t necessarily mean they were bad parents. It means they were human and subconsciously trained to do this by their own parents and society.
Read til the end to discover how to fix this deeply ingrained bioligcally programmed in pattern.
The other camp, the ones whose parents were outright abusive were told they were no good. Called names. Chastized. Made to feel like life was a chore and that they sucked at everything.
They may have been told they had potential if only they applied themselves - or maybe they got none of that at all.
Either way, just like above, they got a complex over their abilities and judged themselves by how well they did in school and or LIFE.
For BOTH camps, this could mean an entire LIFE-TIME of judging your level of worthiness on how well or bad you do at certain things. Whatever your parents really valued usually - but also school and society too of course.
Most people die with this insecurity in place.
Many SEEMINGLY successful people cover over their unworthy wounding with their accomplishments - but the second something goes wrong - it becomes all too easy to crumble.
Because when you take your achievements as a sign of whether you’re worthy of being loved, adored and respected or NOT - then so called FAILURE becomes very personal.
Like a hot knife burning through the skin - any set back will be another stab in the heart, PROVING to you what you secretly ‘knew’ all along - that SEE you really are an unworthy failure not deserving of Love.
This deserving of Love part is usually under the surface - most people don’t go around thinking those words - but that is exactly the TRUE issue beneath the surface.
So how to fix?
I know I promised I would tell you how - but it’s a complex subject that takes actually ‘working out’ spiritually and mentally/mindset speaking.
Essentially, you have to disconnect your sense of self from your accomplishments, from your looks, from your relationships and everything around you.
A VERY hard thing to do for most people because your body was built with the neural pathway programming and the nervous system casting (like its set ‘in stone’) that forces you to REACT and THINK in these certain pathways.
It can genuinely take years, or decades to change, if ever.
But it’s not all Doom and Gloom.
I have spent the last 2 decades overcoming my unworthy wounding.
It used to be a gaping chasm of self-sorrow. Not-goodenoughness. And dripping embarrassment just for being alive.
To say I’ve come far is a massive understatement.
I’m still not perfect obviously because I am human.
But now I have mastered some essential LIFE-SKILLS…
The sorts of things everyone says they wish were taught as kids, but don’t even know EXIST… These mindset methods, healing processes and spiritual practices that will unhook you from this torrential NEED to prove you are worthy over and over again…
And finally bring you into a place of PEACE.
Love. Self-approval and belief..
This of course then leads to those wonderful results in life you always desired but kept pushing away due to this ‘I feel unworthy or like I don’t matter’ wounding.
But rather than needing it, it becomes fun!
Rather than that secret desperate energy you seem to hide so well most of the time..
You feel ease, and joy and trust in yourself!
Rather than believing that your failures are a testament to who you are - you drop them like they’re hot - and see them as what they truly are - a list of tools to learn from and move on from.
It really does get to be this simple.
And this is why I am so excited to introduce to you…
My newest and most amazing live guided, 5 week subconscious reprogramming program:
Worthy is going to take you on a journey that strips back these layers of fear and belief that make you feel unworthy, not good enough, like you don’t matter or like nobody cares.
You will discover exactly how to change this in your life
AND with my uniquely powerful Heart and Soul Freedom Technique we will deprogram you back to Soul, and build you back up with encouraging, Love-based beliefs where you just KNOW you are worthy as you are right now.
You will accelerate your business / audience growth…
AND stop feeling down when you don’t get engagement on your posts or the right amount of people sign up to your programs…
Funnily enough THIS is part of detachment and surrender, which makes you magnetic so your audience flocks to you (because the unworthy wound repels the right people from your life!)
So yes for sure this will change your inner World, which is the true prize - but we also work on your audience growth, retention plus your magnetism and charisma too!
We begin in about 2 weeks!
Sign up NOW to snag your spot in this phenomenal experience.
Then message me to celebrate!