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Now, for those of you reading who have PAIN in their bodies, including sciatica, fibroids, autoimmune disease and everything else combined…
Can you believe that these very physical issues are a message? A very loud message by this stage. The message starts out as discomfort. When you know how to get the message, you really CAN heal your pain, chronic illness and mental blocks naturally
Dis-ease begins on an emotional level.
It comes from how you were treated as a child.
The things you were made to put up with.
What your parents believed you HAD TO DO.
What you were told you couldn’t do.
The truth you have not been allowed to speak, for fear of repercussion and consequences…..
The list goes on and on… and on…
Every physical and emotional issue you have is encoded with a profound message telling you exactly what you need to change in your life to be happy, prosperous and aligned with your true purpose.
For instance, my client whom I healed from sciatica AND fibroids (still in process but for the first time in years she no longer has pain in her back or her uterus – wow!)
I helped her to uncover the very clear message within.
Her excruciating back pain – this sciatica, which she had for NINE YEARS, where she couldn’t even get out of bed properly… The doctors said she would need invasive surgery as the ONLY WAY to heal it – but they were WRONG.
I helped her heal it within a matter of months.
Through my unique energy medicine method with an advanced talk therapy component – we discovered her sciatica started because of a bad marriage she was in, where she allowed the guy to walk all over her, disrespect her, mistreat her, not listen to her and force her to do a lot of things she did not want to do.
But she didn’t know she could say no – because of her upbringing – she had reinforced beliefs, as strong as steel that said it was not safe to speak up, that life was hard, that she had to be a good wife… All these things that just are not ultimately true.
Because she put up with it for so many years she injured herself trying follow one of his commands around housework. A lot of our STUFF starts in situations that don’t sound like a big deal on the outside, but on the inside we are feeling forced, powerless, like we have no choice….
And so the sciatica began.
It seemed like it happened because of a physical situation.
It seemed like it was a physical thing.
But no.
When I used my process to access the message in this pain – it was hurting to stop her from making more bad decisions.
She had this deep rooted belief that she could not be trusted to make terrible decisions. So her subconscious jumped in to PROTECT HER – and created this terrible issue so she was not able bodied enough to follow her dreams of traveling and doing wonderful things in The World…
Because she just did NOT trust herself to. So she had to create this pain, otherwise she would have been free to make more reckless decisions that could potentially hurt her far worse than the sciatic pain she was experiencing.
And this is not an isolated case.
Every person who has pain, chronic illness, autoimmune disease, anxiety, depression and sabotage – ALL have a story underneath trying to protect them.
Which when you were younger probably did protect you in some ways.
But NOW there is a new way of doing things.
You don’t have to suffer in pain.
You don’t have to have invasive operations.
You don’t have to take medicine with awful side effects
You really CAN be free!
And it all starts with a somatic – mind body- connection.
Where you discover the true connection between your dis-ease, your pain, your flighty anxiety or heavy depression…
Even random sharp stabbing pains have a very real issue under them, which we can dissolve together so it’s like the pain was never there!
But guess what?
Releasing this issue is about a lot more than just healing your body or emotions.
It is ALL about aligning with your purpose.
Saying yes to your dreams
Saying yes to speaking your truth
And saying NO to having your boundaries crossed.
And to do this, you must learn what your boundaries are
You must learn how to communicate your needs in an effective way
You MUST learn how to speak with your body
AND to truly overcome the issue….
You must be guided through this very effective process
That deletes and dissolves, releases and lets GO of these very real emotional issues holding you back beneath the surface.
And that’s where I come in…
For ambitious leaders who demand it ALL - who want full health, who want to make great money from their passions and heal and have harmonious relationships…. Then working with me 1:1 is where the true magic is at.
My clients have full body, life and business transformations as they continue to work with me.
My unique method also works as if by magic to call in opportunities into your life!
To heal relationships..
To easily encourage you to leave toxic ones, or in some cases transform them… To open you up to speak your truth and say no to dishonoring situations you felt stuck in…
This is the real deal, and I would Love to share this with those of you truly ready for transformation. I believe god/infinite intelligence guides people to my work when they are ready.
So if you are seeing this and resonating
Book in for a single session here, then once you experience how incredible this method is, you can apply to be my private client so we can transform your life on levels that would genuinely be impossible to do on your own.
Lots of Love
Kai xo