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It’s just a symptom of the actual problem…
(Spoiler alert: the pain is a message and it actually has a voice you can hear when you know how to speak with and ask it questions - it will talk with you, so you can heal it)
I know this because I’m an energy alchemist, sort of like a talk therapist, somatic therapist, mental health professional and spiritual teacher rolled into one.
I began by healing myself, with the help of others, of a chronic lung disease that almost killed me. In the process I also healed cPTSD, severe social anxiety and a variety of mental health issues that meant I would get stuck in bad moods and depressions for sometimes months on end…
As I began sharing the healing method that was working for me with others, in the process I noticed I was healing more than just emotions and blocks to manifesting…
People were also having physical healings too!
In the beginning, it was just a byproduct of the work.
My client who healed from life long chronic asthma was one of them.
Her asthma was so severe that she couldn’t even walk up a hill - and she lived with her husband in kids in the mountains, on a mountain - so they would go hiking without her - and her heart would break.
If she tried to walk out her back door up that big mountain, she would go into a severe asthma attack.
I didn’t know any of this (I always ask in the beginning now).
She came to me for money and visibility work - through our work, she overcame great fears of being seen and started doing livestreams of her artwork. She truly grew her ability to put herself out there.
But in the process, something amazing happened
She had been coming to private and group sessions with me - plus binging on many recorded healing sessions of mine like people binge to Netfix…
One day she messaged me in astonishment with a miraculous message…
During her session with my recording, working through self worth issues and releasing grief and sadness through inner child work - all of a sudden she felt this massive pressure on her lungs….
Then: POP!!!!!
She felt this blissful pop in her lungs (in a good way) and all of a sudden she took in her first deep breath, she says since she can remember!
Ever since then - she has been able to breathe!
She can hike with her children and husband.
They don’t have to leave her behind anymore!
Weeks later, she sent me a video in tears of joy and overwhelm - profusely thanking me because the quality of her life massively improved.
And in the process she also removed deep insecurities, improved her relationships with herself, her husband, her children and with money too!
You see,
Your body is not broken… YOU are not broken…
Why? Because there is a REASON for your pain.
Yep - even you lol…
Every person seems to think that you’re the exception to the rule…
But it works for everyone - when you show up for my work - it works!
Your physical pain, anxiety, and negative patterns are ALL because you are living in a SICK SOCIETY, ๐๐ฟ๐๐ถ๐ป๐ด ๐๐ผ ๐ณ๐ถ๐ ๐ถ๐ป ๐ฝ๐ผ๐น๐ถ๐๐ฒ๐น๐…
Trying to be normal..
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Holding onto deep grief and sadness - or anger and rage that you probably don’t know its there - afterall, its in your subconscious, which mean UNDER the surface of your perception.
Here’s what you need to know:
Even if it feels like you are broken - physically, emotionally, or habitually…
You’re not.
You have a psychological PROTECTION PATTERN in your body trying to protect you.
Plus an emotional build up of stored emotions, memories, beliefs, promises, decisions and vows - all tied together in what we call a belief system.
Except this system is like a box that lives in a specific spot in your body
And in this box is one of you sub-personalities… and she is in pain - trapped in time, still re-experiencing the same event, over and over again.
If you have sciatica in your leg and hip then this belief system box with your inner child personality is trapped literally in your hip and leg.
The pain itself IS your inner child, and she is trying to communicate with you.
This physical box of pain is actually emotional energy/thoughts that build up into solid trauma balls - like a forcefield of pain flaring up within you…
This creates a weak spot in your body.
Then when you have an accident, your injury triggers that weak spot…
But the pain persists NOT because of the injury - it’s because of the TOXIC emotions/beliefs/memories/decisions/vows stuck in your body, aka the belief system box. This box is on a loop.
And that’s where I come in.
I work with gifted women who are called to greatness.
I take you into the places you can not see within you and we access your physical and emotional pain -and we transform it.
this then changes your behaviour, your patterns, your cycle…
It even changes how other people treat you!
Your children, spouse, and family members often have a complete personality change towards you too, without you doing anything at all - except my inner energy alchemy, which changes the matrix of your reality - aka we take out the box of pain and old beliefs…
And replace it with a vast open vista of safety, security, and Love with a CAN DO attitude and so much forgiveness you just might feel like you’re walking on a cloud of ease and grace for days after a big breakthrough in one of our sessions.
So the pain itself is not the problem.
It’s just a symptom.
You are trying to get your attention.
There is nothing stopping your body from healing but YOU.
Did you know that? But its nit your fault! Our whole deal is tricky. The entire World has gotten lost treating pain symptoms like they need to be shoved in a box or repressed with a pill - when it’s crying to be listened to - because it has a literal voice!
I tap you into the voice of your pain so you can hear it and it can change.
Just like a cut with dirt in it that gets infected and can’t heal - your injury or chronic pain/illness is from toxic emotions stuck in your body, just like dirt in the wound.
As I said, I healed a deathly chronic lung disease that almost killed me, where I was sick every year for months on end - I know what it takes to heal.
That was back in 2011 and I havent have a lung issue since, which if you saw how often I was sick before and just how bad it was coughing for 8 hours a day - its a true miracle!
I can help you heal too, like my clients.
I‘ve healed excruciating sciatica from an injury, back aches from injuries - painful stomach spasms that lasted 4 years and then after a few months works - poof! Disappeared into thin air, and now she forgets how she would wake up every morning paralyzed in fear…
Waiting for that excruciating pain attack to start, which it always DID - until I came in. I had the exact same thing with my chronic lung disease - every morning I would wake up in fear - paralyzed still because I knew the moment I moved I would go into the most painful coughing fits… But no more.
I could keep listing the miracles I’ve helped in my clients - those who are willing to DOOOOO the work.
Because I do a profound energy psychology method that rewires your neural pathways, release the trauma from your body, realigns the cellular structure of your body and heals you on the deepest of levels.
It takes a LOT of skill and talent to do what I do.
My healing ability is RARE.
I don’t just use my own energy - I give glory to God - to The Divine Power that lives within us. So know that yes we use energy work but we also use faith based prayer, but if you prefer affirmations and intentions I can teach you how to tap into Divine will, call upon your higher self.
I use the power of Jesus, Yeshua, or if that freaks you out think of it as the Spirit of Living Love, or cosmic consciousness…
Most still think its impossible to heal your physical body in the way I help my clients heal.
But with my unique EFT Breathwork Tapping method - which is a type of spiritual aerobics - you flood your body with life giving oxygen and Divine Qi aka The God Force!
You get oxygen to the deprived receptors of your body so the muscles can breath again!
We work in the spirit realm to transform reality,
And we change your thinking, help you strengthen your boundaries and stand in your true power.
If you have physical body pain - even if you think you need an operation, or it can’t be fixed - especially then - you’ve gotta try this.
If you are in agony - or even just living with a dull ache that gets in your way sometimes but you’ve learned to live with it - please know this pain is the GATEWAY to releasing all the limiting beliefs and things in your way - if you just know how to listen to it, and transform it in your subconscious mind and in the spirit realm.
Each sessions dissolves further layers of pain - releasing layers of disempowering trauma that could just get worse and keep you stuck for a life time
So if you’re ready for a change and have been praying/affirming for healing - Dont let your body pain rob you of your freedom any longer.
Your body is actually holding all this for you.
Because as Bruce Lipton says, and as my work over the last decade and a half has proven (14 years) 99% of chronic pain is emotional!
Reach out and ask how you can heal your chronic pain - my clients often try to heal their pain for years through different doctors and therapies until they come to me.
I’m not the cheapest but I am up there with the best.
I dont zap you with energy - you will have to feel your own feelings, breathe your own breaths and talk to your own inner child - with my guidance and expert method though, you won’t be searching in the dark.
I shine the Light on exactly where you need to look. I teach you what you need to say, how to listen, how to connect with your intuition/with God/with The Divine.. How to change your negative thoughts, how to release your pain…
This is like learning a new language.
The human body is a complex and beautiful living machine.
My client I healed from excruciatingly painful chronic stomach spasms with acid reflux - she had been in terribly agony for years. She could hardly leave the house because she didnt know when another attack would hit - she couldn’t sleep lying down… It only took her 3 months to heal that - and she originally came to me for business and visibility blocks! (Which I helped her with too)
Others can take longer like around a year or 2 for full healing..
But the time passes anyway!
And you get healings all along the way
As in, the pain goes away after a session.
And you feel great - but it comes back.
But as you learn this new language, and as we dissolve the pain - it goes away for longer and when it does come back its so much smaller…
As we keep going eventually it goes away completely and your relationships heal and you prosper in your life in the process!
Does this sound like you?
If you’re ready to start with a 3 month journey send me a message - if you want to try an initial session we can do one paid single session. This is for you if you think you want to do the longer journey but want to make sure we’re a good fit. It’s not for you if you just want a single session.
Because just like you don’t go to the gym to lose 40 pounds and expect it to be done in one session, nor would you expect pain that took YEARS to build up to be dissolved in just a few sessions either…
Then if and when you Love it, you can choose to sign up for my 3 month, 6 month,1 year or 2 year journey.
With discounts for paying in full and an easier payment plan if you need it too.
If you’ve read this far, my only advice is don’t think too much about it.
I dont say this for me.
But for the patterns I see.
Its so easy to talk yourself out of this, convinced nothing will change - and then you change nothing!
Because everyone who comes to me says they’ve tried EVERYTHING and felt like giving up…
But then they try me and finally it works!
Although, you’ll never know unless you actually take the leap into faith and try it for yourself.
Message me if you have any questions on my pain freedom healing journey
You can join my email community and reply to an email here
Or find my on Facebook or Instagram and DM me there.
With Love
Kai Clifford
Your Spiritual Guide and Energy Alchemist